NYC Grand Jury Resistance


NYC GJ Resistance. April 26, 2013:


Writing to alert you all about the existence of a new grand jury in NYC targeting anarchists. Gerald Koch has been subpoenaed to testify for the second time and, for the second time is refusing to cooperate. His first court date, and possible date of a contempt hearing and subsequent incarceration, is May 2nd. He has just released and official statement and, with everything so pressing, we are hoping to circulate it widely and have relevant blogs and news sources re-post and link to the support website urgently. Contacting those of you in the PNW specifically considering the recent grand jury inquisition there.

Any inquiries can be directed here and all relevant news and updates will be up on the website.


Support Jerry Committee

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Metropolis I: Introduction


“We must investigate, we must research, we must go search and above all share and propagate all the necessary information about the functioning of the capitalist machine. How is it fed by energy, information, arms and food? In the situation where everything is suspended, in the state of exception, what do we turn off, what do we transform, what do we maintain? Refusing to pose these questions today means that we will be obliged to come back to a normal situation, if only to survive. We believe that such an investigation, having reached a certain degree of reality, will not fail to produce a scandal. In a world of lies, the lie can never be defeated by its contrary, it can only be defeated by a world of truth.”

-The Invisible Committee

* youtube channel –

* vimeo channel –

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Olympia May Day 2013


from olymayday:


May Day 2013
Olympia, Washington
Call to Action

Everywhere we go we are reminded of the sickening and deadly growth of cancerous capitalism. We see its parasitic grasp in the form of environmental devastation, running the gamut from the Tar Sands project, the XL pipeline, coal trains, oil leaks and leaking nuclear waste containers. Efficiently gnawing on what little remains of the earth’s deathbed as it flat lines in despair. This cancer’s demands grow increasingly burdensome, sucking out what it can from those who need most. The metaphorical medical bill grows on the meek and destitute, threatening collective bargaining and bringing about the death of unions like an abandoned infected and essential limb for the livelihood of the working class. The bill is literally being raised on students increasingly struggling to compete and keep up with the demands of an irate and demanding economic monster as they slip into indebted servitude.

The blight does its best to hide the evidence of its destruction through criminalizing the homeless it spawned. The media, traditionally the immune system to societal abuse has been corrupted and bought out by the illness. The promises of a symbiotic and beneficial relationship through civil rights have been exposed as mere trickery through the existence of the surveillance state, militarized police occupation, the prison industrial complex and blatant disregard for constitutional rights. Orwell smugly chuckles at these state incursions to personal life, while Huxley sneers at the “entertainment” industry and mass peddling of prescription pills aimed to cure the symptoms, rather than the source of, this epidemic. Those who have had enough of this pandemic find themselves directly stricken by the disease, thrown into cages under the jurisdiction of a supposedly “grand” jury, deported from an illegitimately stolen land or locked into stagnant urban ghettoes. However, there is one thing this disease is unaware of: the host has had enough.

All over the world the same diagnosis is being made; the cure is being developed. We hear a chorus of discontent and massive resistance shouting from every corner of the globe. People are coming together, standing up in solidarity to confront this deplorable condition. We all hear the call of confrontation; it is time we answer it. The federal Grand Jury has directly assaulted the city of Olympia, WA. It is for this very reason that we are calling for a day of massive and direct resistance in our community. We will stand up to the injustices and repression being brought down on our homes. We will join in a diverse array of tactics to celebrate the destruction of this sickness that burdens us daily. We invite you to join us in this festive denunciation of capitalism and state repression.


No Work, No School, General Strike Now!

In Silence We Roar, In The Streets We Show Our Teeth!

Join Us

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Call to participate in the Olympia Anarchist Convergence


In the city of Olympia on April 20th & 21st of 2013 we will be hosting a gathering of anarchy accompanied by presentationsbooks and conversations!

This event will present some of the projects and people that have comprised Olympia’s communities, and the greater Puget Sound Area, for decades. The website is

Dates & Location

The event will be held at the Evergreen State College  2700 Evergreen Pkwy NW  Olympia, WA 98505 on April 20th and 21st. The event will include presentations, conversation and books during the days and entertainment during the evenings.

How to request to facilitate a conversation

The first day of the convergence will include presentations and workshops moving into awesome discussions. The second day is going to emphasize Conversations, for both people who are new to anarchist ideas and as well as experienced radicals and activists. We would like our introductory conversations to be respectful, thematic, and softly facilitated. Themes are being proposed AS YOU’RE READING THIS! If you have a conversation idea or wish to request to be a facilitator contact us at .

How to propose a workshop or presentation

Presentation proposals are due March 15th. Please send an email to if you would like to lead a talk, presentation, or workshop. Include in your email the following:

• Name/Title of presentation

• Length

• Materials needed (projector, computer cables, etc.)

• Summary of content

• What are the reasons you believe you should be the one to present on this topic? (Could just be that you are excited by the topic… this is not inquiring about your qualifications or asking you to provide an “anarchy resume” or whatever)

• Why would you like to see this event at the Olympia Anarchist Convergence? (why do you think topic is relevant for a PNW audience, etc.)

Don’t forget the paragraph abstract! Every proposal will get a response. The last day for proposals is March 15th. We are excited to hear all your ideas!

How to request a table

A large room of the Seminar Building will include booksellers, distributors and independent presses from all along the West Coast but with an emphasis on the Northwest in particular. If you’d like to table this year, provide a short description of your thing and the materials you intend to distribute. The deadline to request a table is March 15th, 2013. Contact us at .

…planned, thus far

Friday, 19th:

8 pm – ?:Drag Show/Opening Party, location tbd

Saturday, 20th:

10 am – 6 pm: presentations/workshops, discussions & tabling

8 pm – ?: something fun!

Sunday, 21st:

10 am – 12 pm: History of Anarchy in PNW

12 pm – 6 pm: Conversations & tabling

8 pm – ?: After Party/Dance Party, location tbd

Monday, 22nd:

11 am – 2 pm: Brunch and Palaver

The convergence is being held in a building that is fully wheelchair-accessible. Please contact us at if you have specific accessibility needs, and we will do our best to accommodate them. We are currently looking for ASL interpreters.

More Information

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PSA: Grand Jury Resisters Matt Duran and Kteeo to be released


Feb 27, 2013.

Grand Jury Resisters Matt Duran and Kteeo to be released

Grand jury resisters Matt Duran and Kteeo are to be released from the Seatac Federal Detention Center by 4 PM tomorrow, according to the judge’s order. The third prisoner, Maddy Pfeiffer, has been reported to have been moved from solitary confinement to general population, but remains locked up.

The Stranger has published the judge’s order here.

Write Maddy here:

Matthew Pfeiffer #42421-086
FDC SeaTac
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198


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Feb 27, 2013. Committee Against Political Repression:


As reported by Brendan Kiley (a good man and fine reporter), Matt Duran and Kteeo Olejnik are scheduled to be released from SeaTac FDC tomorrow afternoon.

This is really really really really excellent news! We recommend following the link and reading the entire article.

Don’t forget that Maddy Pfeiffer remains imprisoned. Please continue writing to them and supporting them!

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Intellectual Nonsense and the Fear of Rationality


We are sometimes alone. In those solitary moments when we attempt to make sense of the world, we may harmlessly come across certain books which strike us as vague and obscure, written by ‘philosophers’ and critics whose knowledge of politics, literature, and cognition appears extensive, backed up with thrilling and unique terminology and numerous hand-picked quotations from physicists and biologists. Looking at such prestigious scientists with their theories and experiments, we might even say ‘Where’s my theory? I want one too,’ with the profound thoughts of postmodern or poststructuralist authors neatly filling this theoretical void.

But things are not as they seem. We are beyond doubt at the wrong side of the library, as the following brief survey of a selection of po-mo supporters will hopefully show. Through a combination of word-play and fractured syntax, these charlatans have released a madness on the world. It should go without saying that the works of the following authors are not necessarily and entirely filled with the exploitation of scientific and philosophical concepts (what Deleuze said about education, for instance, seems sensible enough, if not common sense). But the overwhelming tendency amongst all of them is to produce intentionally and aggressively obscure work largely to intimidate their (mostly privileged and Western) audiences into deeming it insightful, radical, and clever.

But before we observe the wreckage, a few general comments can provide an important framework. Anthropologist Mary Douglas observes in The World of Goods that the standard techniques to maintain intellectual superiority are ‘to erect barriers against entry, to consolidate control of opportunities, and to use techniques of exclusion.’ As certain graduate students of politics and critical theory are aware, the person trying to maintain an illusion of intelligence must work to control the discourse, ‘Otherwise, his project to make sense of the universe is jeopardized when rival interpretations gain more currency than his own, and the cues that he uses become useless because others have elaborated a different set and put it into circulation.’

The rhetorical barriers often appear quite sturdy. After all, if what the postmodern and poststructuralist enthusiasts are actually saying (beneath the layers of catchphrases like ‘symbolic centre,’ ‘interpolated,’ ‘what Baudrillard called,’ ‘différance,’ ‘problematized,’ ‘logocentrism,’ ‘How, then, are we to proceed?,’ ‘s/Subject,’ ‘heterogeneous structure,’ along with the obligatory poetic French or German phrase) can be understood by the person who cleans their windows, then of what use are their jobs? Placing production into the hands of workers, for instance, does not need to be spelled out in polysyllables and can be articulated in terms a child would easily understand.

The widespread unequivocal trust in postmodernist ramblings may reveal something else: that we are afraid of words, afraid of ‘those big words which make us so unhappy,’ as Stephen Dedalus said; afraid too, perhaps, of digging too deep into what Hume called ‘the mysteries of nature.’ Perhaps the sweeping generalisations and comprehensive ‘theories’ of the postmodernists and ‘semiologists’ allow us to feel more at ease, safe in the knowledge that the Marxist’s iron laws of history have offered us the best explanatory account of human affairs.

Of course if by ‘theory’ we mean ‘a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment’ (as the American Association of the Advancement of Science puts it), then the use of the term in departments of literature and politics is misleading to say the least.

Though quick to assure us they are more radical than thou, the proponents of postructuralism, the Lacanian ‘psychoanalysts,’ are rarely found, strangely, at community and activist organisations struggling to defend the kinds of oppressed people (perhaps the ‘subaltern,’ for the initiated) they claim to support, preferring to sit in their offices or bedrooms with annotated copies of Spivak and Gasiorek, whose writings, to borrow a phrase from Forster’s A Room with a View, ‘won a great victory for the comic muse.’

Alan Ryan puts the matter well: ‘It is, for instance, pretty suicidal for embattled minorities to embrace Michel Foucault, let alone Jacques Derrida. The minority view was always that power could be undermined by truth … Once you read Foucault as saying that truth is simply an effect of power, you’ve had it … But American departments of literature, history and sociology contain large numbers of self-described leftists who have confused radical doubts about objectivity with political radicalism, and are in a mess’ – hence why your favourite graduate Marxist reading group gathers round the fire to chant the odes of Deleuze and Foucault.

A typical defence of such authors is that they do, in fact, occasionally write revealing critiques of imperial or neoliberal power. Firstly, considering their wages and position of relative privilege, it’s fair to say that they better had say something interesting every once in a while! But secondly, these defences miss a more crucial point; that their actual presentation and writing style renders needless confusion, not least because the majority of the time they speak in riddles to deflect instant rebuttal. Or, they fabricate an understanding of classic philosophical works before setting their own misinterpretations of texts as a gauge to separate the worthy from the unworthy (‘You mean to say you don’t see, as Žižek does, Leibniz’s monadology as a prescient critique of the atomising effects of social networking sites? Then get out!’).

Surely one of the most stupid things to have emerged in the two billion years of organic evolution is the feminist ‘philosopher’ Luce Irigaray’s argument that E=mc2 is a sexist equation because ‘it privileges the speed of light’ – a patriarchal force, like capital letters – ‘over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us.’ Her critique of fluid dynamics is also inspired, no doubt, by her revolutionary spirit: fluids have been shamefully neglected by physicists, she argues, since ‘masculine physics’ privileges rigid, solid things over fluids.

Though their doctoral ‘research’ may beg to differ, obscurantist writers like Irigaray are in fact kicking feminist movements in the teeth by associating them with the irrational, careerist sub-disciplines of Princeton and Yale’s comparative literature departments. To get a sense of what similar contributions by other paid academics are like, any ‘postmodern generator’ paints a fairly accurate picture ( A quick game of Žižuku will also suffice (, as will faking your way through Hegel (

Woody Allen’s short stories also often touch on the related theme of pseudo-intellectualism. The Whore of Mensa does this brilliantly, as does My Philosophy: ‘I remember my reaction to a typically luminous observation of Kierkegaard’s: “Such a relation which relates itself to its own self (that is to say, a self) must either have constituted itself or have been constituted by another.” The concept brought tears to my eyes. My word, I thought, how clever! (I’m a man who has trouble writing two meaningful sentences on “My Day at the Zoo.”) True, the passage was totally incomprehensible to me, but what of it as long as Kierkegaard was having fun?’

Similar uses of parody as a means to expose pretension and obfuscation seem to have presented themselves to the young James Joyce, who was asked by Father George O’Neill at the oral examination for his English BA at University College, Dublin, ‘How is poetic justice exemplified in the play of King Lear?’ Joyce answered, ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Oh, come, Mr. Joyce,’ O’Neill prodded, ‘you are not fair to yourself. I feel sure you have read the play.’ ‘Oh yes,’ replied Joyce, ‘but I don’t understand your question. The phrase “poetic justice” is unmeaning jargon so far as I am concerned.’ He later told his close friend Francini in Trieste that ‘Ideas, classifications, political terminologies leave me indifferent; they are things one has passed beyond. Intellectual anarchy, materialism, rationalism – as if they could get a spider out of his web!’

As Richard Ellmann records in his monumental biography, Joyce, unwilling to embrace the church, state, or intelligentsia, ‘went through a series of violent changes and emerged from them sombre and aloof, except with the few friends to whom he exhibited his joy, his candour, his bursting youth; even with these he was a little strange, never wholly companionable because each time he laid bare his soul he importuned greater loyalty, until friendship became for them almost an impossible burden of submission.’ Joyce’s parody poem of T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ also reveals with a typically subversive wit his intellectual allegiances. Even at the age of 16, in an essay entitled ‘The Study of Languages,’ Joyce had detected in the distasteful ‘tidier’ Matthew Arnold (whose spirit, along with that of Raymond Williams, to this day shines with a soft, tender glow through the halls of English Literature departments) a mind of ‘little opinion.’

Arnold’s brother, Thomas, demonstrates a greater penetration than his brother when he explores in one of his letters, with stirring honesty, the hostility which the radical mind must feel towards society: ‘Take but one step in submission, and all the rest is easy … satisfy yourself that you may honestly defend an unrighteous cause, and then you may go to the Bar, and become distinguished, and perhaps in the end sway the counsels of the State … All this is open to you; while if you refuse to tamper in a single point with the integrity of your conscience, isolation awaits you, and unhappy love, and the contempt of men; and amidst the general bustle of movement of the world you will be stricken with a kind of impotence, and your arm will seem to be paralysed, and there will be moments when you will almost doubt whether truth indeed exists, or, at least, whether it is fitted for man. Yet in your loneliness you will be visited by consolations which the worlds knows not of; and you will feel that, if renunciation has separated you from the men of your own generation, it has united you to the great company of just men throughout all past time; nay, that even now, there is a little band of Renunciants scattered over the world, of whom you are one, whose you are, and who are yours for ever.’

These timeless struggles between clarity and honesty on the one hand, and obfuscation and pretension on the other, can often be detected in the classic misgivings between analytic and continental philosophy. In Invitation to Learning, Russell says the following of Hegel’s Philosophy of History: ‘[It] is a very important book indeed, judged by the effects it has had, and a totally unimportant book judged by any truth it may contain. [It is] important, partly because it presented a pattern in history – a scheme, a system – according to which historical events were supposed to have developed, which of course people like. It is a simple formula and they think “now we understand it all” … I think the course of history is subject to laws and is probably for a sufficiently wise person deterministic; but nobody is wise enough. It is far too complicated and nobody can work it out; and the person who says he has done so is a charlatan.’

The renowned Jewish philosopher and Talmudic commentator Emmanuel Lévinas falls clearly onto Hegel’s side. One of his many studies of the phenomenological school of philosophy bears the exciting title Discovering Existence with Husserl. Like Hegel’s Phenomenology, its words would no doubt be welcomed amongst small groups of mid-teens narrating their first experiences with LSD: ‘To say one doubts reflection is to suppose that reflection at least gives us this doubt itself. Furthermore, when one says that states of consciousness are modified by reflection, one presupposes that the non-modified states are known, for otherwise one could not even suspect the modification, nor even the possibility of reflection itself.’ Lévinas’ internationally celebrated study continues in much the same rhetorically inflated vain, having been translated into a number of languages, though not, oddly, Hebrew. But perhaps this is for the best – the Jews have suffered enough.

Though his suspicious gaze was cast primarily on eloquence, Francis Bacon’s remarks could easily be seen as a valuable lesson to contemporary cultural, literary, and critical studies: ‘[M]en began to hunt more after words than matter; and more after … tropes and figures, than after the weight of matter … [and] soundness of argument.’ Along with Judith Butler (winner of the journal Philosophy and Literature’s 1998 ‘Bad Writing Competition’), the theological jargon of corporate-speak falls prey to a love ‘words’ over ‘matter,’ with its talk of ensuring that it’s the responsibility of employers to continually provide access to low-risk high-yield benefits and promote personal employee growth whilst collaboratively administering economically sound user-centric materials and to authoritatively negotiate market-driven technology, assertively integrate high-quality synergistic infrastructures to exceed customer expectations and stay competitive in tomorrow’s world.

But unlike economists, postmodernists typically reject the rationalist tradition of the Enlightenment, promote a cognitive and cultural relativism which views science as merely a ‘narration’ or social construction (Paul ‘anything goes’ Feyeraband and Thomas Kuhn come to mind), and engage in theoretical speculations removed from any empirical test. It is not at all clear that any substance can be taken from these views, as Alan Sokal (he of the eponymous affair) and Jean Bricmont’s devastating study Intellectual Impostures makes clear. Through exposing postmodernist’s abuse of scientific concepts to lend their own work an aura of prestige, they follow closely in Bacon’s footsteps, as do the words of Michael Albert in a review of the book: ‘There is nothing truthful, wise, humane, or strategic about confusing hostility to injustice and oppression, which is leftist, with hostility to science and rationality, which is nonsense.’

Sokal and Bricmont reveal the infectious nonsense in the works of Deleuze, Derrida, Guattari, Irigaray, Lacan, Latour, Lyotard, Serres, Virilio, Baudrillard and Kristeva. The savage debunking these authors receive in Intellectual Impostures provides the reader with vital intellectual self-defence: If Baudrillard writes that modern warfare takes place in a non-Euclidean space, then I shall know he is a member of the Clown Brigade and will be very careful with him. Equal caution should be paid when we read Derrida, who often appeared to say (if he can be understood at all) that the world should be interpreted from a purely textual perspective, thinking as he did of ‘the text’ as an object of profound, even mystical power, to be regarded with fear and awe, and not simply a product of behaviour (like cave etchings or an artist’s canvas).

It is equally ‘difficult to see,’ write Sokal and Bricmont, observing Lacan’s posturings, ‘how the mathematical notion of compact space can be applied fruitfully to something as ill-defined as the “space of jouissance” in psychoanalysis.’ Where Irigaray sees too much masculinity in science, Lacan can’t get enough: Trying, in his words, to ‘mathematize’ everything in sight, he even likens ‘the erectile organ’ with the square root of -1. ‘Thus the erectile organ comes to symbolize the place in jouissance … as a part lacking in the deserved image: that is why it is equivalent to the √-1.’

In her addition to her remarks on Einstein’s equation, Irigaray makes some other astonishing claims. Nietzsche, for all his flaws, certainly never ‘perceived his ego as an atomic nucleus threatened with explosion,’ not least because of the nucleus’ discovery being over a decade after the German philosopher’s death (she may as well have argued that Thomas Aquinas, when not viewing his kneecaps as πr², had nightmares about his music taste contracting diabetes).

Demonstrating a peculiar disrespect towards the universe, she continues her attack on the laws of nature by asking the following question: ‘But what does the mighty theory of general relativity do for us except establish nuclear power plants and question our bodily inertia?’ Sokal and Bricmont comment of the general thrust of Irigaray’s work by suggesting her writings ‘fall straight into mysticism. Cosmic rhythms, relation to the universe – what on earth is she talking about?  To reduce women to their sexuality, menstrual cycles and rhythms (cosmic or not) is to attack everything the feminist movement has fought for during the last three decades.’

In contrast to this intellectual elitism, the anarchist prince Peter Kropotkin noted in his memoirs a passage that eloquently draws on the assumption on the universal longing for individual inquiry: ‘The masses want to know: they are willing to learn; they can learn. There, on the crest of that immense moraine which runs between the lakes, as if giants had heaped it up in a hurry to connect the two shores, there stands a Finnish peasant plunged in contemplation of the beautiful lakes, studded with islands, which lie before him. Not one of these peasants, poor and downtrodden though they may be, will pass this spot without stopping to admire the scene. Or there, on the shore of a lake, stands another peasant, and sings something so beautiful that the best musician would envy him his melody, for its feeling and its meditative power. Both deeply feel, both meditate, both think; they are ready to widen their knowledge – only give it to them, only give them the means of getting leisure.’

Similar ‘theorists’ to Irigaray also often make peculiar use of Marx’s claim that ‘capitalistic production begets with the inexorability of a law of Nature is own negation.’ How they rejoice in borrowing this and similar phrases in discussing how the ideas of their colleagues, on occasion, bring about their own negation etc.! Perhaps epitomised best through the stylish work of Slavoj Žižek, empty paradoxes and meaningless reversals are without doubt the order of the day. Anyone who has read Žižek will most likely regard his books as a dreary sub-genre of science fiction, their bizarre and often outlandish interpretations of important philosophical texts and popular culture bearing an uncanny resemblance to the work of someone born and raised in a René Magritte painting.

The egotistical and self-obsessed values of our brazenly artificial society can be critiqued quite easily without resort to the inflated jargon of Living in the End Times or The Sublime Object of Ideology: In a lecture delivered at The New School, Chris Hedges explained how ‘The fantasy of celebrity culture is not designed simply to entertain. It is designed to drain us emotionally, confuse us about our identity, blame ourselves for our predicament, condition us to chase illusions of impossible fame and happiness, and keep us from fighting back.’ He opens his book Empire of Illusion by comparing the ideologies and narratives which structure the professional wrestling industry to the mainstream media’s coverage of political elections. If he wanted to, he could have given such similarities an obscure ‘theoretical’ name before adding baseless parallels to cosmology or a footnote of Kant’s; but, lacking such temptations, he made a choice frowned upon in departments of comparative literature and cultural studies: he wrote in plain English.

As Hedges develops in his extensive journalism, popular culture, the mass media, and positive psychologists promote a surreal form of cheerful conformity, assuring us that if we close our eyes and wish for what we want, if we believe in ourselves, if we adhere to the cultural orthodoxy of saving money for fab nights out, if we unleash our hidden strengths, if we concentrate on happiness, we will be, in a sense, main characters – drinking our wine, laughing at our sitcoms, and giving each other generous eye contact; smiling protagonists in a tragic-comic episode of an ongoing series of consumerist fantasies, with the only hope of the illusion ending lying in popular efforts to take back the power of socio-political organization from a handful of privileged elites.

But the clear and sensible prose of Hedges does not impress those academics loyal to the doctrines of ‘theory,’ cognitive relativism being one of the most pernicious. As the self-appointed protector of ‘womanhood’ Germaine Greer explained in a typically scornful article against trans-women that ‘feminist fundamentalists hold that biology is a cultural creation.’ Postmodernist urges for the similar cases of moral and aesthetic relativism purposefully dodge the questions surrounding the origins of universal biological principles which structure our ‘moral grammar’ and sense of beauty (the work of John Mikhail and Semir Zeki is especially useful here).

In short, saying ‘it’s all relative’ is an easy way to avoid the more difficult task of naturalistic inquiry, as is repeating truisms – a game enjoyed by the proponents of postructuralism, which even Wikipedia confesses is ‘difficult to summarise,’ though it takes a shot: Adopting a standard assumption amongst biologists that science has limits, it ‘denies the possibility of a truly scientific study of “man” or of “human nature”’ (with the word ‘truly’ being noticeable), before converting this simple observation into multi-volume works reviewed with much enthusiasm by Le Monde and the TLS.

Régis Debray also achieves an astounding feat of imagination when he draws the following arbitrary connections: ‘Ever since Gödel showed that there does not exist a proof of the consistency of Peano’s arithmetic that is formalizable within this theory, political scientists had the means for understanding why it was necessary to mummify Lenin and display him to the “accidental” comrades in a mausoleum, at the Centre of the National Community.’ One wonders how many Žižuku-inspired games it’s possible to invent from this sentence. As Hobbes said in similar circumstances: ‘When men write whole volumes of such stuff, are they not mad, or intend to make others so?’

Mad or not, it is nevertheless common to hear ‘claims of chaos theory being “applied” to history or society,’ as Sokal and Bricmont add: ‘But human societies are complicated systems involving a vast number of variables, for which one is unable (at least at present) to write down any sensible equations.’ Indeed if, as the philosopher and linguist Wolfram Hinzen argues, a naturalistic account of even the simplest lexical items (house, water) is beyond our cognitive reach, then we can forget about ‘mathematizing’ political and cultural phenomena.

But the charge of cultural illiteracy and conceitedness, of course, is not reserved strictly for po-mo enthusiasts – it can also be directed at many scientists. Popular science books by Hawking, Penrose and Kaku all display similar levels of historical ignorance, their concluding feel-good chapters on the relationship between science and religion being an obvious case in point. Together with the postmodernists, they often fail to address the history and nature of science and philosophy, spouting clichés about the incompatibility of the two (the same could be said of the various forms of ‘spirituality,’ as David Webster – although himself a firm postmodernist – reveals in his scintillating and concise Dispirited: How Contemporary Spirituality Makes Us Stupid, Selfish and Unhappy). Though philosophy has fractured into various domains, much of it is simply early cognitive science (including the theory of ideas, the seventeenth century shift from ontology to epistemology, aided by Locke and Newton, and speculations on the nature of perception).

One of the greatest contemporary philosophers, Galen Strawson, opens one of his essays on metaphysics with the following Russellian statement: ‘Philosophy is one of the great sciences of reality. It has the same goal as natural science. Both seek to give true accounts, or the best accounts possible, of how things are in reality. They standardly employ very different methods. Philosophy, unlike natural science, usually works at finding good ways of characterizing how things are without engaging in much empirical or a posteriori investigation of the world. It has a vast field of exercise. Many striking and unobvious facts about the nature of reality can be established a priori, facts about the structure of self-consciousness, for example, or the possibility of free will, or the nature of intentional action, or the viability of the view that there is a fundamental metaphysical distinction between objects and their properties.’

The thoughts of Deleuze, Lacan, and Kristeva suddenly appear less overwhelming. Countering their exploitation of ‘folk-scientific’ intuitions (regarding, for instance, the nature of ‘language’ and ‘truth’) requires not only dismantling the grip of postmodernist dogmas on the humanities; it also needs what John Cooper Powys called an ‘insanely intense and incorruptible concentration on the mystery of words.’ Group study, discussion and popular activism play enormously important roles in this, as does thoughtful and individual study – since, as Cicero reports Cato as saying, ‘never is a man more active than when he does nothing, never is he less alone than when he is by himself.’ But as Aldous Huxley was all too aware: ‘Science is not enough, religion is not enough, art is not enough, politics and economics are not enough, nor is love, nor is duty, nor is action however disinterested, nor, however sublime, is contemplation. Nothing short of everything will really do.’

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Cover your forehead! (and other lessons from Pax)

On May 3rd, our friend Pax was arrested on 36 felony charges of criminal mischief and 36 felony charges of conspiracy to commit criminal mischief. This was dropped down to 5 counts of each after their arraignment, and Pax took a plea deal in October for 3 counts of felony criminal mischief. A number of people have asked how Pax got caught up in legal trouble for allegedly smashing banks and a police substation. It has come to light in the last few months that the FBI has been actively monitoring Portland anarchists since at least early April, though to what extent it is not clear. We now know there was federal involvement in the raid during which Pax was arrested in May. Because the federal investigation is ongoing, there may be crucial pieces of information relating to Pax’s arrest that we don’t know about yet. With that in mind, here are some tips for staying safe when you’re angry in the streets, compiled by some friends who looked through the Discovery.

  1. Cover your face! Is your forehead part of your face? Cover that too! Surveillance video from a US Bank ATM that was smashed showed a tall person with the lower half of their face covered, but a tuft of hair and broad forehead uncovered, using a rock to break the screen of the ATM. Police claimed to recognize the broad forehead and tuft of hair as Pax’s. When looking for anonymity, a lot of people seem to go for a hoodie and a bandanna. That’s not good enough. Your forehead should be covered all the way down to your eyebrows. A beanie and balaclava combo does the trick nicely. Leave just enough of a slit to see out of.
  1. ATMs have really high-quality cameras. If you’re doing anything in front of an ATM make sure you don’t have any easily visible distinguishing characteristics. Is your height distinctive? Your clothing? Especially if you’re a well-known anarchist in town with a long arrest record, you should expect that the cops know your face, height, body type, etc. If one were to attack an ATM, it would be prudent to first disable the camera in some way.
  1. Sign with your right hand! The police also claimed to recognize Pax’s “left-handed throwing technique” from surveillance video. The police corroborated this with video of Pax signing a piece of paper with their left hand during booking. Simple solution: sign everything with your right hand if you’re arrested.
  1. Choose your outfit carefully! Surveillance video showed that the person who smashed the ATM was wearing a jacket with shoulder flaps that matched a jacket the police observed Pax wearing coming out of their house at a later time. The police also seized a white studded belt from Pax, which, they claimed matched a belt from surveillance footage. When planning what to wear, go for plain black hoodies, plain black gloves, and plain black pants with no accessories, patches, embellishments, or other distinguishing features. If you do choose to wear something with a distinguishing feature, use it once and get rid of it IMMEDIATELY. If you can, make sure your clothes are loose enough to conceal your figure. Surveillance video from the PCC police substation showed a person in shorts and a t-shirt throwing a rock through the window. Pax was later arrested at that march in a similar outfit. Remember: covering your face is not enough! Your entire outfit needs to make you anonymous! It should go without saying by now, but shorts and a t-shirt, even with leggings and a long sleeve shirt underneath, won’t keep you safe. The goal of blocing up is to look the exact same as everyone else. Again: loose plain black sweatshirt, loose plain black pants, plain black shoes.
  1. Your phone will snitch on you. The police obtained Pax’s phone records and noted a lot of activity right before a bank was smashed, then the phone went dead for a couple hours, then there was a lot of activity immediately following the bank being smashed. The police weren’t able to read Pax’s text messages, which were encrypted with a program called TextSecure, and as far as we know they didn’t have recordings or transcripts of phone conversations. But we shouldn’t completely rule out the potential of conversations being recorded, and the police still got access to the log of which numbers were called and when. Either leave your phone off all night, or leave it on all night somewhere far away from you.
  1. Glass doors are a lot more expensive than windows. In the repair receipts provided in discovery, the banks claimed thousands of dollars of damages for glass doors versus hundreds for windows.
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Moderator note

This website isn’t getting updated as frequently as it used to because other things have come up in our lives. Sorry about that.

Check out these other websites for relevant anarchist news, some local and some more broad in scope:

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Solidarity rally for grand jury resister Maddy Pfeiffer: Dec. 14

December 14th, 12:30pm

Seattle Federal Courthouse, 700 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA

Maddy Pfeiffer was served a subpoena in Olympia, WA and appeared before the grand jury on Nov. 7th. At that time they were taken to a contempt hearing but received a continuance so they could prepare with their lawyer. Please come out and support them on Friday, December 14th at 12:30PM! Their hearing is at 1:30PM but let’s start early and gather for support and conversation before they have to go inside.

REMEMBER: It is likely they’ll be taken into “custody” after their hearing.

Please bring anything you can to contribute: food, coffee, umbrellas, BANNERS, FLIERS, SIGNS, megaphones, etc.


For more info -> &

If you want more info on grand juries in general check the “Resources” page of the site.

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NYE jail solidarity noise demo: Seattle

This New Year’s Eve join us for a noise demonstration outside the SeaTac Federal Detention Center. This is in response to the international call-out for noise demos and other actions against prisons, jails, and detention centers on New Year’s Eve.

Bring banners, loud noise-makers, pots and pans, sound systems, flyers, and whatever else could be useful. Please send this announcement to listserves and invite your friends.

Matt and Kteeo have been locked away inside the Detention Center since September 13 and September 27, respectively, for refusing to cooperate with a secret federal Grand Jury investigation targeting anarchists in the Pacific Northwest. It is likely that Maddy Pfeiffer will be joining them on December 14th.

Noise demonstrations are meant to break the isolation of prison by breaking through the walls with the sounds of solidarity. In a very real way, this small gesture can remind those on the inside that they are not alone and that there are many of us out here who are fighting alongside them. Like other solidarity actions, this noise demo is meant to strengthen the resolve of the defiant, courageous rebels the state is trying to coerce into participating in their strategy of repression.

Original call-out for New Year’s Eve noise demos:…



FDC SeaTac is located 12 miles south of Seattle and 16 miles north of Tacoma, 1 mile west of Interstate 5 (200th Street exit). It is several blocks south of the SeaTac Airport.


From Seattle: Take Exit 151 for Military Rd toward S 200th St

From Portland/Olympia/Tacoma: Take Exit 149B to merge onto WA-516 W/S Kent Des Moines Rd twrd Des Moines – slight R toward WA-99 N – turn R onto WA-99 N- Turn L onto S 200th St


From (downtown) Seattle: Take the LINK light rail to the Tukwila Station-Walk to Tukwila Blvd Station- Take the A Line Bus toward Federal Way TC, International Blvd-Get off at International Blvd & 200th-Walk to FDC SeaTac

OR take the 124 from 3rd Ave & Columbia and follow the same steps as above.

From Olympia: Take the 620 toward Tacoma Mall-Get off at SR 512-Take the 574 toward SeaTac- Get off at International Blvd & 188th-Walk to FDC SeaTac

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An Open Letter to Portland’s High School Rebels

This is a letter of love and admiration for the wild and courageous high school students who battled the Portland Police in the streets on November 3rd. Some of you took pepper spray directly to the face at close range, some of you pushed forward against cops behind your sturdy banners, and you all displayed an inspiring ferocity that has sadly been few and far between in Portland since last spring.

At times this town can seem suffocated by mangerial activists, specialists in revolt who seek to orchestrate every act of rebellion in order to advance their own resumes. But you are living proof that despite this recuperative force, there will always be the youthful, wild, uncontrollable ones. Keep it up! Push conflict with authority – no matter how “revolutionary” it may portray itself – to the extreme!

I encourage you to build on this experience of fighting together in the streets. Where can you go from here? Are there other places in your lives that you can use your shared subjectivity to attack that which attempts to control you? There are lots of different ways to build trust and affinity with each other. Don’t limit yourself to pre-announced marches in the streets. If you use your creativity, you will find infinite possibilities for taking your lives back, both open and clandestine. Flash mobs at grocery stores – nighttime smashy-smashy – reading groups to sharpen your critique – illegal dance parties – graffiti – wheatpasting propaganda everywhere – refuse to pay for tri-met – these are just a few ideas. I believe the slop that barely passes for food in Portland Public Schools cafeterias is provided by Aramark, the prison profiteers, I’m sure you could think of some way to sabotage their operations. The possibilities are endless.

If this is your first experience in the streets, welcome. You may soon find that you can’t get enough. If you’ve been at this for a while, congratulations, you’re getting a much earlier start than I did. In this time of extreme repression in the NW, your refusal of submission is a beacon of light.

Love and solidarity,
a Portland anarchist under the gun

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FBI Affidavit Demonstrates Political Nature of FBI Investigation

from Committee Against Political Repression. Oct 21:

On October 18, ran an important article, “Agent: FBI tailed Portland anarchists headed to May Day riot.” While the piece describes previously unavailable details of the FBI’s investigation into the May Day actions, the most important fact is contained in the first sentence:

“the FBI’s interest in several suspects predated the political vandalism that swept downtown Seattle.”
Though the May 1 protest and the attack on the Federal Court House in particular, has been cited as the cause of the current FBI/Grand Jury investigation, the article clearly shows that the FBI was already keeping a close watch on Portland-area anarchists — following their vehicles and monitoring their text messages, at the least.

CAPR has consistently argued that the extensive surveillance, swat raids, and grand jury subpoenas were not simply a response to a few broken windows but demonstrate an effort to criminalize the political philosophy of anarchism.

The FBI’s treatment of anarchism as evidence of criminality in the affidavit quoted in the P-I supports the conclusion that the ongoing investigation is more about politics than law. The political nature of this investigation is also demonstrated by the scale of the state’s attack and the seizure of “anarchist literature” in armed raids. The fact that the investigation actually preceded any unlawful act only proves the point.

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LA Times article: “Anarchist probe: Jailed activists say they won’t talk to feds”

LA Times. Oct 19:

SEATTLE—The federal detention center near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is usually home to suspected bank robbers and drug dealers awaiting trial, or perhaps illegal immigrants fighting deportation. These days, though, it’s taken on an air of political intrigue, as three activists who’ve refused to testify before a federal grand jury engage in an extended war of nerves with authorities.

The federal probe, detailed in an examination of the case in the Los Angeles Times, is looking at the activities of anarchists in the Pacific Northwest and damage to a federal appeals courthouse during May Day protests in Seattle on May 1.

It has apparently become a hot topic of discussion at the detention center, where Matthew Duran, 24, a computer technician and self-described anarchist from Olympia, Wash., has been jailed since a federal judge found him in contempt for refusing to answer questions posed to him by a federal prosecutor.

“They took me down to…my unit, which is the general population area,” Duran recalled in a recent interview at the detention center. “I get in there and people ran up to me and they’re like, ‘What’s your race? Who do you roll with?’ And I’m like, ‘I’m not in a gang. I’m Chicano.’ ‘What are you here for?’ ‘I’m here for not snitching on people.’ They’re like, ‘That’s … awesome.’

“In like five minutes they came back with this grocery bag full of food and toiletries, and they’re like, ‘Here, we take care of our own.’”

Duran, who grew up in Southern California, was an activist on migrant workers rights issues before moving to Olympia a few years ago. He said inmates watched the first presidential debate together. They then fell into conversation about why Duran considered himself an anarchist — what was an anarchist, they wanted to know? — and why he had elected to defy a federal judge’s order to tell a grand jury what he knew?

“They asked me, ‘Where do you stand on the spectrum?’ I said, ‘Very far left, without capitalism, without state or federal government. I think people ought to be able to organize on their own and still be accountable to their community, and to their society,’” Duran said.

“Well, there’s not a lot of cool politics up there,” he said, referring to his jail unit. “It definitely got people riled up. The guy I was talking to was a libertarian who believes the fundamentals of capitalism are absolutely necessary to keep society going. Well, to maintain the status quo, I said, I guess that is technically true.”

Duran and one of his fellow activist inmates, Olympia bartender Katherine Olejnik, wore jailhouse khakis and spoke separately in a small attorney interview room as a guard waited outside.

They seemed relaxed and cheerful, mindful that they had become celebrities in activist circles that have spread their photos across the Internet. Supporters have characterized the probe as a witch hunt aimed at quashing the radical fringes of the Occupy movement.

“I do want to protect my friends and comrades from whatever I may or may not know,” Duran said. “But this is a tool from the McCarthy era, like the House Un-American Activities Committee. ‘Are you or are you not an anarchist, did you ever subscribe to this publication, have you ever been to a political meeting?’ That type of thing. It seems like it was taken right out of the ’50s or ’60s. But I guess it’s more along the lines of, it never went away.”

Duran’s attorney, Kimberly Gordon, said a federal appeals court on Friday rejected her motion appealing Duran’s detention, though she has argued that it amounts to an unconstitutional fishing expedition through citizens’ political activities under the guise of probing crimes of vandalism.

Duran, Olejnik and Leah-Lynn Planteall have been offered immunity from prosecution — meaning they could not assert their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in refusing to testify. Federal authorities have made it clear that no one has the right to hide evidence of a crime — and damage to the federal courthouse that day and to surrounding businesses such as Niketown ran into the tens of thousands of dollars, at least.

“Matt really had no idea what they were going to ask him when he walked in there, but he was pretty resolved at that point that he did not want to be used by the government as a tool to prosecute or punish other people without his permission,” Gordon said. “He was more interested in making sure he was not used in that way than he was in keeping himself out of custody.”

Olejnik, 23, Duran’s roommate in Olympia, is studying for the law school admission test while waiting out her own indefinite period in custody. She said she is determined not to offer information about fellow activists and her own political associations, even if she has to sit at SeaTac through the end of the current grand jury’s 18-month term.

“I think it’s going to be fine,” she said. “Me and Matt are probably going to have to give up our house. But our friends are amazing. They’re going to pack up our house for us, people are raising money for a storage unit for us, they’re taking care of our cat, calling our parents, calling our employers, making sure we get mail and books.”

Duran is hoping his job at the computer company in Olympia will be waiting for him whenever he is released.

“I talked to my boss, the CEO, and they’re like, ‘Wow, we never had a case like this. But you’re a good kid, you’re smart, we invested like a year’s training and we want you back, as long as you don’t get criminal charges or anything.’”

So the wait goes on.

“I really don’t see it ending any other way,” Duran said. “I know I’m not going to talk.”

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Leah Released

FreeLeah.tumblr. Oct 19:

Leah wanted to communicate just a few statements regarding her release, and otherwise wants space from any contact. The link can be found below.

She was in solitary confinement for the duration of her incarceration and is not in good mental health at this time.

She received more than 200 letters and pieces of literature, and most likely any books that didn’t get to her will go to the prison library.

She asks that people NOT jump to conclusions about her release. More information will be released but she needs space until then. Please DO NOT try to contact Leah for questioning.

She is concerned that Matt and Kteeo are not getting the same amount of publicity and urges people to continue support for them, sending them letters and books!

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Olympia: Benefit for Leah Plante [Oct 20]


This is October 2oth and will be in Olympia.  While we only like to post free stuff on here, please note that this one isn’t: FREE THE GRAND JURY RESISTORS BENEFIT….. at the Voyeur, 404 4th Ave. E. Olympia, WA…..With: PRANK WAR/ADJUSTMENT TO SOCIETY/VEX/MICHAEL JACKSON/PERJURY//////(ALL-AGES)  $7-100 (bring some cash with you, all money will directly benefit the grand jury resistors) 6:30 pm sharp! (show must end at 10pm.) For more information about the grand jury, go to and

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Snitch Alert for the Pacific Northwest: Zach Jensen

From Seattle Free Press. Oct 13:

SNITCH ALERT: Known informant Zach Jenson has been spotted in Olympia, at a bar next door to a benefit for the grand jury resisters. Jenson helped put away his one time friend Eric McDavid, and cooperated in full with federal investigators and US Attorneys. It appears that he is trying to re-enter the movement and may possibly still be gathering information for the feds. While our friends sit in prison for refusing to speak to our enemies, while his former comrade is losing decades of his life to a federal gulag in part because of Zach’s actions, we must make sure that it is known that SNITCHES ARE NOT WELCOME IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST.

ADDENDUM: Inevitably whenever a post is made about an informant the tough guy talk starts and people who likely have never even been in a fight before start talking about “snitches get stitches.” While Zach Jenson should certainly be verbally confronted and asked to leave activist spaces and other areas, physical violence against him would be harmful to both Eric McDavid and potentially his attackers as well.

1.) Eric’s legal proceedings are not finished. What this means is that any physical assault or intimidation of Zach Jenson, a witness in Eric’s case, could reflect poorly on Eric and prejudice a judge against him. Remember- your actions could keep someone in prison longer!

2.) Assaulting Jenson would not just result in a minor charge. INTIMIDATING A FEDERAL WITNESS IS A SERIOUS FELONY and people have spent upwards of 10 years in prison for it. I know that none of you intend to harm him anyway- if you did you wouldn’t be posting about it on the internet. Even so, people should be aware that there could be serious consequences, both for our imprisoned comrade and others. Any posting already threatening Jenson or implying that he should be physically harmed should be removed immediately. 

My personal feeling is that if Jenson is spotted he should be immediately confronted and asked to leave any space he is inhabiting. A polite plea should be made and if he does not comply his picture should be taken and warnings posted online about where he has been sighted. Under no circumstance should anyone touch his person, threaten him, or attempt to intimidate him. Please, show solidarity with our comrades in prison right now and keep yourselves safe as well.

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Portland: Another Reportback from Grand Jury Resister Solidarity March

PSA. Oct 12:

If the Portland Police thought they could stop people from breaking shit by making an example of Pax, they were WRONG!

Last night, with only 12 hours notice, a crowd of about 50 people assembled for a march in solidarity with Leah and the other grand jury resisters. We gathered in a park between Belmont and Hawthorne around 8:30pm. Someone unfurled a banner that read “BURN PRISONS – HUG CATS – YOLO (A) ACAB,” then someone else shouted “Leah, Matt, and KteeO are in prison. That’s fucked! Let’s show the state what happens when they put our friends in prison!”

With that, we were off. We took a left onto Hawthorne and as soon as we rounded the corner, BANG. Rocks through windows of Umpqua Bank. We easily held the two eastbound lanes and continued marching. Newspaper boxes, trash cans, and sandwich boards alike were thrown in the street. Someone repurposed a metal chair sitting outside a cafe, and sent it flying through a large window of Wells Fargo Bank. It was truly a glorious sight to behold. With every broken window came applause and cheering.

At Cesar Chavez Boulevard, rocks went through Chase Bank windows and we took a left, now holding the two northbound lanes. Two more rocks went through the street-side windows of US Bank, making this the third time since February that this location has been attacked.

We took a right onto Belmont and the motion-activated sliding front door of Walgreens was smashed. The opening and closing broken door was pretty funny.

A few blocks from there, we heard police sirens in the distance and decided to disperse on our own terms to claim a small victory, rather than wait for the pigs to bust us up. When the cops finally reached the area everyone had scattered. They detained a few people they managed to find, but had no reason to arrest anyone.

Solidarity with all of the grand jury resisters; comrades arrested in San Francisco this past weekend; and Amazon and Cat, two trans women imprisoned in California on hunger strike for an end to single-celling of trans women, and ultimately the destruction of all of civilization. We’ll see you at the barricades!

In times of repression we find joy in revolt! Portland has been slumbering for far too long; the time to attack is now!

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Portland: “The Story, Last Night, Wasn’t the Broken Windows”

This passerby has awesome interviews. 


Facebook Article. Oct 12:

By Jess E. Hadden

Yesterday afternoon, via Facebook, I heard about a solidarity march, being organized by an autonomous group. The reason: Leah from the Red & Black Cafe was being imprisoned for refusing to testify before a Grand Jury. I didn’t personally know Leah, but philosophically I supported the stand she was taking against the Federal government’s witch-hunt, targeting activists.

So, I hit “share,” passing the invitation along.

I observed the march as it approached SE Hawthorne Blvd, via 35th Ave. Since I did not recognize the people in the march (it’s hard to recognize a black bloc, especially at night, without my glasses) — and since I myself wear very bright colors — I decided to watch while maintaining a distance. Technical difficulties prevented me from livestreaming, but I still wanted to be able to report the real story.

As the marchers took the east-bound lanes of Hawthorne, I watched a growing crowd of curious people, in regular attire, following the march along the sidewalk, and inquiring about this unexpected sight.

Then, I heard, rather than saw, the sound of glass shattering. Immediately, the disastrous anti-police brutality march of last February 6th came to mind, when Occupy Portland and an autonomous group mixed like oil & water. I expected to see marchers, locals, and lookie-loos arguing and fighting with one another over tactics, and the definition of “violence.”

But that’s not what I saw. I saw the windows of Umpqua Bank — a bank that tries to present a local image, but really isn’t — smashed. And to my astonishment, I saw regular people, watching from sidewalks & bars, cheering. I found myself no longer observing the march, so much as I was observing the people observing the march.

Smash. Wells Fargo. Smash. Chase Bank. Smash. US Bank. Cheers, each time, from regular people, watching. As I passed the tables outside of the Hawthorne Theater, across the street from the Chase Bank at SE Caesar Chavez & Hawthorne, I heard people laughing and talking about how much they hated that bank. One man stood up and yelled, “Yeah! Smash that up!”

The Walgreens, at Caesar Chavez Blvd. & Belmont, appeared to be the last target, before I lost sight of the march. I heard sirens in the distance, but as far as I could tell, the march had already dispersed, almost as quickly as it had begun.

Contrasted with the march from last February 6th, there was a noticeable lack of contention about the targets of this black bloc. The only contention that appeared to exist was in regard to some marchers dragging items like recycling bins & newspaper dispensers into the streets — ostensibly, to block traffic and slow a police response. Other people, not necessarily marchers themselves, quickly removed the items from the streets. The point ultimately was moot; police vehicles came from multiple directions, and were remarkably slow to arrive.

Local corporate media and Portland Police later reported that the marchers were also attacking passers-by with glass bottles. This is, in fact, not true.

To me, the story really wasn’t about the smashed windows. I headed back to Hawthorne, to put my ear to the ground.

People were still buzzing about what had just happened. Absent, was a sense of anger regarding the vandalism. It is curious, how astonishing the absence of something can be. Inner SE Portland is, after all, a sleepy urban community.

I stopped in at Nick’s Coney Island for a drink. Police arrived, and questioned the bartender. I asked her what that was all about, to which she replied, “Some protesters took one of our chairs and threw it through the Wells Fargo window.”

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, “That’s awesome.”

She leaned in, smiling, and replied, “I know! Fuck Wells Fargo.”

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Atlanta: 10.08.12 Noise Demonstration in Solidarity w/PNW Grand Jury Resisters

Atlanta IMC. Oct 12:

On Wednesday evening, we gathered in Troy Davis park for a march and noise demo in solidarity with the  grand jury resisters in the pacific northwest/(1). The action was scheduled to begin at 7pm Atlanta time. We’d been somber all day, showing the video of her statement(2) to anyone who hadn’t seen it yet, but we were happy to be together.

Two dozen of us marched to the city jail to the loud sound of drum beats. While several anarchists from last winter participated in the event, there were many newer faces. Central figures from last year have become peripheral. Some who were less involved, including several who might not have identified as anarchists pre-Occupy, have been taking initiative and forming affinity groups.

A banner at the front of the crowd read “END JAIL” in huge lettering. Onlookers danced, cheered, and pumped fists as we paraded down the streets, for once unbothered by cops. When we got to the jail, we were happy to see inmates crowded at the windows, waving wildly to us and others pounding their bars to the beat of our drums. Inmates threw basketballs at the fencing separating them from the outside. The noise demo lasted for about a half hour with no reaction from the police inside. The demo was not masked, as others have been. This may have diminished the overall rowdiness of the night.

We took the streets once again on the way back to the park. This time, the drums were background music to a chorus of chanting. Behind a banner reading “In Silence We Roar (A),” the march and chants were unquestionably anti-police and anti-prison. People cheered and echoed fuck the police! Some friendly kids joined the march and hung around when we got back to the park. Leah’s statement “We Are Made of St(A)r Stuff” (3), released that morning, was read aloud.

Enjoying the silence,
Forever fuck the grand jury.



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Fox Valley, Wisconsin: We Shall Never Forget [Derek Williams, Grand Jury Solidarity] Oct 12:


Derek Williams

We attacked two ATMs early this morning in the Fox Valley of Wisconsin, in addition to dropping two banners in two different cities. Our reason for choosing ATMs is because we don’t like them. The banners read, “We Will Not Forget Derek Williams. /A.C.A.B.” and “Release the PNW Grand Jury Resistors.
Stay Strong Comrades.”

The reason for this action could be one of a thousand. But, we did this specifically to express our rage against the Milwaukee PD murdering Derek Williams and the kidnapping of our PNW comrades. Certain things in our minds cannot be forgiven and lines must be drawn.

Lets keep it coming.

Keep your hoods up.
-some pissed off people

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Portland: Banks Smashed in Portland March in Solidarity with Leah & Other GJ Resisters Oct 12:

Last night on 10/11, a march convened in the streets of SE Portland, just a day after a third PNW comrade has been imprisoned by Federal scum for resisting their Grand Jury subpoenas.The Judge, the Feds, and the State know all too well that Matt, KteeO, and Leah will continue to resist their coercion. These ignorant state officials somehow live in a fantasy land where radical solidarity doesn’t exist…

Four banks along the path of our march were smashed, including rocks through multiple windows at an Umpqua Bank, a large metal chair through a Wells Fargo window, and rocks through a Chase and finally a U.S. Bank.

Banks both invest in and profit from the Prison Industry that is being used to suppress our activities against the state by imprisoning our comrades.

A Walgreens window was also hit. Our local media devour false police rumors, such as what seems to be fabricated reports that bottles were thrown at pedestrians. It was quit the contrary, with pedestrians and bar-goers cheering us on and joining in on chants, with some even joining the march as we encouraged them to do so! Despite some marchers not understanding the purpose of blockades, no one was arrested when the thick-headed cops finally broke it up, though a few marchers were briefly detained and released, apparently.

SMASH ALL PRISONS & BANKS, TOPPLE THE STATE! Solidarity to all in prison and especially those queers, because we queers DESTROY with the fierceness!



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Portland: Short Individual Report Back From Portland March In Solidarity With Grand Jury Resisters & Against Prison Society Oct 12:

This meant as a short overview of the events that transpired during the Oct. 11th solidarity march with grand jury resisters and is not meant to be some in-depth analysis. This is written from my individual perspective and in no way does this represent the totality of what went down.On Oct. 11 a group of around 75 people gathered in a small park in S.E. Portland in response to a call of solidarity with Leah, Matt, and KateeO who were all swept up by the state in the most recent wave of repression targeting anarchists in the Pacific N.W. The crowd was made up of many folks who I had not seen in a long time as well as new faces of folks whom I had never met. The sight of so many new faces and old friends was refreshing.A banner was unfurled that read: “BURN THE PRISONS, HUG CATS. YOLO (A) ACAB” and as a voice rang out from the crowd “the state kidnapped Leah, KateeO, and Matt, let’s show the state what happens when they imprison our friends!” The crowd cheered and began to pour into the street.

As the march got underway construction signs were pulled into the street and the chant “OUR PASSION FOR FREEDOM IS STRONGER THEN THEIR PRISONS!” could be heard echoing though the quiet SE neighborhood. As the crowd made it on to Hawthorne Blvd newspaper boxes were pulled out into the street as well as more construction signs. As the crowd passed an Umpqua Bank several large windows were bashed out. This was met by cheers from the crowd. More newspaper boxes were pulled into the streets as the crowd yelled “GIVE NO FUCKS TAKE NO ORDERS, SMASH THE PRISONS AND THE BORDER!” As the march passed a Wells Fargo Bank, a chair, which had been expropriated from a nearby posh cafe, made its way through one of the banks windows and another march participant began kicking the banks glass door in an unsuccessful attempt to break it, this was also met with cheers of approval. Nearby bar patrons began to yell in support and confusion and a group of youth at the bus stop joined the march albeit temporarily. As the crowd began to turn north on Cesar Chavez Blvd a rock was thrown through the window of a Chase Bank. As the march continued forward a US Bank had several windows smashed-out and a Walgreens had a brick slab thrown through a glass door. At this point the march began to dissipate.

In the end there were no arrests and at no point did the march encounter police, however the corporate media reported that several people were temporarily detained after the march, but I cannot confirm that. The corporate media also claimed in their coverage of this event that the march attacked pedestrians with bottles. This like most corporate media claims is completely false and borders on the ridiculous. In fact at no time did I witness any “citizen heroes” from within or outside the march attempt to disrupt militant tactics, nor were there any negative exchanges with bystanders that I saw. Since the initial FBI raids on the homes of anarchists in Portland back in July and the subsequent grand jury subpoenas and imprisonments this was the first public militant response in Portland to state repression. While I think we need to aware of the limitations of our actions and always strive to broaden and deepen the struggle against capital and the state, it’s reassuring to see militant activity in response to repression as opposed to making the mistake hiding away in fear and isolation.

I urge people to continue to support the grand jury resisters in whatever capacity they can. Write a letter and throw some money their way cause that shits important too.

For updates on the Grand Jury and the resistance to it check out

In complicity and solidarity,

-a RIP City anarchist

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Portland: March tonight in solidarity with grand jury resisters

No Repression. Oct 12:

March tonight in solidarity with Leah, Matt, and KteeO; and against the prison society! Meet up at 8:30pm at SE 35th and Taylor in Portland. Bring friends.

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The Grey Clouds Come Rolling In: Words from a Grand Jury Resister Oct 10:

Today was the first day where it actually felt like the rainy season I’ve grown to know over the past five years. Today was also the day that the third grand jury resister, Leah Lynn-Plante was taken into federal custody. Most of the time when thinking of this situation words fail me. I can speak at length about the things that are physical happening, who had their contempt hearing, who was taken into custody, these are all pieces of information that are easy enough to pass on. They are facts, they are static, they are a person being transported from point A to point B. But broken hearts are not static, and being ripped from your life, your friends and loved ones is something that words can rarely describe. For some, they may see a light at the end of the tunnel, this can be wonderful. But for others the overcast skies and ever-looming fog of the northwest render visibility nearly impossible.

In silence, we roar. In solidarity, we attack. But in despair, we cry. We break down because our friends and loved ones have been torn from our lives and because the threat of more being caged is rather imminent. But we also hate, we despise the cops, the judges, the politicians, the journalists. And all of this becomes really complicated. A flurry of emotions comes over us all at once, and in any given moment we sometimes impose contradictions. To feel weak or strong? Emboldened or defeated? Whether we are more inspired by our love or hatred of this world? I don’t really think these questions always have answers, but that doesn’t make their effect on our lives any less real.

I stood on a balcony today, 26 stories high I watched as the clouds swept in and covered the water. I tried to take it all in, for Kteeo, for Matt, and preemptively for Leah. I know the only difference between our outcomes was as simple as an address change, but I also know that there’s no way I can understand whats going on for my three comrades. I thought about how inspiring their acts of resistance are, I thought about the chance that if I was in their situation I wouldn’t be going down alone.I would be going down with three other beautiful fighters.
To be honest, I’ve never really been a fan of per-zines or anything like that, but I think that being so close to this situation has made me want people outside of the northwest to get a small glimpse of the personal aspect of what’s occurring around this grand jury investigation. A side where while we appear strong, emboldened, and uncompromising, we also appear as devastated, terrified, and sometimes, alone.

For now, I guess the Grand Jury has already seen all of the people it’s served subpoenas to. It’s no use in speculating on whether or not there will be more. It’s far from over, and we don’t know the future holds. But as of yet, despite their attempts the state has failed. It has failed to break our spirits and it has failed to break our bonds. May we rejoice in all the future failures it will have, and may we do our best to avenge it’s victories.

Don’t stop loving. Don’t stop fighting. And fuck it, don’t stop crying.

A Fellow Resister.

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Portland: Banner Drop in Solidarity with Grand Jury Resisters Oct 11:

At the start of rush hour on October 10th, the day of Leah Plante’s grand jury hearing, Portland activists dropped a banner over southbound 405 near the I-5 interchange. The banner reads “END FBI WITCH HUNTS” and includes the web address

This action was taken independently of and in support of grand jury resistors in the Northwest and elsewhere. Grand juries are used by the FBI to circumvent due process and are currently being used to target and intimidate activists for their political beliefs rather than to investigate any supposed criminal activity.

A.C.A.B. (A Concerned Alliance of Bannerers)

Posted in News - All, News - Portland | Tagged , , | 2 Comments “Third Northwest activist jailed for staying silent” Oct 11:

Third Northwest activist jailed for staying silent


Third Northwest activist jailed for staying silentLeah-Lynn Plante (

“Today is October 10th, 2012, and I am ready to go to prison,” announced 24-year-old Leah-Lynn Plante yesterday. By Thursday morning, the Portland activist was in custody and could remain incarcerated in a U.S. federal prison for 18 months, although she has not been charged with a crime.

Along with two others in the Pacific Northwest, Plante was remanded into federal custody for her refusal to provide a grand jury testimony regarding activists in the region. Matt Duran and Kteeo Olejnik were jailed in previous weeks for, like Plante, refusing to cooperate with a grand jury. All three are now being held in U.S. federal prison, not because they are being punished for crime, but, as the National Lawyers Guild’s executive director Heidi Boghosian told me earlier this year, “to coerce cooperation.”

Writing for Truth-Out in August about the Northwest grand juries and those resisting cooperation, I noted that grand juries “are among the blackest boxes in the federal judiciary system.” The closed-door procedures are rare instances in which an individual loses the right to remain silent. As was the case with the Northwest grand juries resistors, the grand jury can grant a subpoenaed individual personal immunity; Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination are therefore protected, but silence is not. In these instances, refusal to speak can be considered civil contempt. Non-cooperators can be jailed for the 18-month length of the grand jury.

“The arbitrary issuing of subpoenas to activists and pressuring them to divulge information about others in secret proceedings extends to arresting them when they decide to resist,” NLG’s Boghosian told me Thursday, commenting that the grand jury subpoena process has a “star chamber quality.”

Lawyers, scholars and activists alike have long complained about the use of federal grand juries as tools for political repression. The case of the Northwest grand jury resistors is now well-known in activist and anarchist circles around the country. As I wrote in August:

The Seattle grand jury subpoenas were served in late July, when the FBI and a Joint Terrorist Task Force conducted a series of raids on activist homes and squats in Portland, Olympia and Seattle with warrants seeking out computers, phones, black clothing and “anarchist literature.” The FBI has stated only that the grand jury pertains to “violent crime,” but it is believed to relate to property damage in Seattle during this year’s May Day protests…

Will Potter, author of “Green Is the New Red,” who has long covered the state persecution of environmental activists and anarchists, noted in a recent interview… “I think what’s most indicative of what’s going on though is that specific call for agents to seize ‘anarchist literature’ as some kind of evidence of potential illegal activity.” He added that the convening of a grand jury is “especially troubling because grand juries have been used historically against social movements as tools of fishing expeditions, and they’re used to seek out information about people’s politics and their political associations.”

Facing a number of months in prison, Plante remained steadfast in her refusal to speak to the grand jury. Aware that she would likely face jail time, given the previous incarceration of two other resistors, Plante gave a public statement the morning of her grand jury hearing Wednesday. She detailed the depression and fear triggered by the threat of jail time, but said, “I never once considered co-operation and never would. It is against everything I believe in. On my right arm I have a tattoo reading ‘strive to survive causing least suffering possible.’ This is something I live by every single day and will continue to live by whether I am in a cage or not.” Plante is being held at the Federal Detention Center Sea Tac in Seattle.

Since news of the Seattle grand jury and its resistors emerged a few months ago, a host of protests, rallies, acts of graffiti and sabotage have taken place across the country to express solidarity with the Northwest anarchists. Large banners have been illegally dropped in cities from New York to Atlanta, while police vehicles and substations have been graffitied and vandalized in Oakland, Calif., San Francisco, Illinois and elsewhere. The Committee Against Political Repression put out a petition to the U.S. attorney, with nearly 400 organizations signed on, stating opposition to the treatment of the subpoenaed activists.

Watch the video of Plante’s statement below (via

“Today is October 10th, 2012, and I am ready to go to prison,” announced 24-year-old Leah-Lynn Plante yesterday. By Thursday morning, the Portland activist was in custody and could remain incarcerated in a U.S. federal prison for 18 months, although she has not been charged with a crime.

Along with two others in the Pacific Northwest, Plante was remanded into federal custody for her refusal to provide a grand jury testimony regarding activists in the region. Matt Duran and Kteeo Olejnik were jailed in previous weeks for, like Plante, refusing to cooperate with a grand jury. All three are now being held in U.S. federal prison, not because they are being punished for crime, but, as the National Lawyers Guild’s executive director Heidi Boghosian told me earlier this year, “to coerce cooperation.”

Writing for Truth-Out in August about the Northwest grand juries and those resisting cooperation, I noted that grand juries “are among the blackest boxes in the federal judiciary system.” The closed-door procedures are rare instances in which an individual loses the right to remain silent. As was the case with the Northwest grand juries resistors, the grand jury can grant a subpoenaed individual personal immunity; Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination are therefore protected, but silence is not. In these instances, refusal to speak can be considered civil contempt. Non-cooperators can be jailed for the 18-month length of the grand jury.

“The arbitrary issuing of subpoenas to activists and pressuring them to divulge information about others in secret proceedings extends to arresting them when they decide to resist,” NLG’s Boghosian told me Thursday, commenting that the grand jury subpoena process has a “star chamber quality.”

Lawyers, scholars and activists alike have long complained about the use of federal grand juries as tools for political repression. The case of the Northwest grand jury resistors is now well-known in activist and anarchist circles around the country. As I wrote in August:

The Seattle grand jury subpoenas were served in late July, when the FBI and a Joint Terrorist Task Force conducted a series of raids on activist homes and squats in Portland, Olympia and Seattle with warrants seeking out computers, phones, black clothing and “anarchist literature.” The FBI has stated only that the grand jury pertains to “violent crime,” but it is believed to relate to property damage in Seattle during this year’s May Day protests…

Will Potter, author of “Green Is the New Red,” who has long covered the state persecution of environmental activists and anarchists, noted in a recent interview… “I think what’s most indicative of what’s going on though is that specific call for agents to seize ‘anarchist literature’ as some kind of evidence of potential illegal activity.” He added that the convening of a grand jury is “especially troubling because grand juries have been used historically against social movements as tools of fishing expeditions, and they’re used to seek out information about people’s politics and their political associations.”

Facing a number of months in prison, Plante remained steadfast in her refusal to speak to the grand jury. Aware that she would likely face jail time, given the previous incarceration of two other resistors, Plante gave a public statement the morning of her grand jury hearing Wednesday. She detailed the depression and fear triggered by the threat of jail time, but said, “I never once considered co-operation and never would. It is against everything I believe in. On my right arm I have a tattoo reading ‘strive to survive causing least suffering possible.’ This is something I live by every single day and will continue to live by whether I am in a cage or not.” Plante is being held at the Federal Detention Center Sea Tac in Seattle.

Since news of the Seattle grand jury and its resistors emerged a few months ago, a host of protests, rallies, acts of graffiti and sabotage have taken place across the country to express solidarity with the Northwest anarchists. Large banners have been illegally dropped in cities from New York to Atlanta, while police vehicles and substations have been graffitied and vandalized in Oakland, Calif., San Francisco, Illinois and elsewhere. The Committee Against Political Repression put out a petition to the U.S. attorney, with nearly 400 organizations signed on, stating opposition to the treatment of the subpoenaed activists.

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Russia Today: “Third anarchist jailed for refusing to testify before secret grand jury”

Russia Today. Oct 12:

A third self-described anarchist from the Pacific Northwest has been jailed by federal officials for refusing to speak before a secretive grand jury that the accused have called a politically-motivated modern-day witch-hunt.

Leah-Lynn Plante, a mid-20s activist from Seattle, Washington, was ushered out of court by authorities on Wednesday after refusing for a third time to answer questions forced on her by a grand jury — a panel of prosecutors convened to determine if an indictment can be issued for a federal crime.

Plante was one of a handful of people targeted in a series of raids administered by the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force on July 25 of this year which the feds say were in conjunction with an investigation into acts of vandalism that occurred during May Day protests in Seattle nearly two months prior. As part of their probe, search warrants were issued at multiple residences of activists in the area, including Plante’s, demanding that dwellers provide agents with “anti-government or anarchist literature” in their homes and any flags, flag-making material, cell phones, hard drives, address books, and black clothing.

“As if they had taken pointers from Orwell’s 1984, they took books, artwork and other various literature as ‘evidence’ as well as many other personal belongings even though they seemed to know that nobody there was even in Seattle on May Day,” Plante recalls in a post published this week to her Tumblr page.

Only one week after the raid, Neil Fox of the National Lawyers Guild told Seattle Times that raids like this are create a “chilling effect” by going after lawful, constitutionally-allowed private possessions.

“It concerns us any time there are law-enforcement raids that target political literature, First Amendment-protected materials,” Fox said.

This week Plante still maintains her innocence, now she has reason to believe that the raid that has left her suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome may have been more than an investigation into an activity, but an ideology. Plante says a Freedom of Information Act request she filed in the months after her apartment door was broken down by armed officials reveals that the grand jury investigating her was first convened in March, two months before the vandalism she is being accused of even occurred.

“They are trying to investigate anarchists and persecute them for their beliefs. This is a fishing expedition. This is a witch hunt,” she says this week.

On the day of her third meeting with the grand jury on Wednesday, Plante wrote on her blog that she’d almost certainly be jailed on charges of contempt for refusing once again to testify about herself but said she was willing to face the consequences for exercising her right to remain silent.

“I do not look forward to what inevitably awaits me today, but I accept it,” she writes. “My convictions are unwavering and will not be shaken by their harassment. Today is October 10th, 2012 and I am ready to go to prison.”

Hours later, her Tumblr was updated with a note authored by one of her supporters confirming that Plante “was thrown into prison for civil contempt” after her court date. Plante is now the third anarchist to be imprisoned in the last month for refusing to answer questions about their belief and behavior before a grand jury.

Last month, Plante spoke openly about the grand jury before refusing their questioning for only her second time. “I believe that these hearings are politically motivated,” she wrote in a September 16 statement. “The government wants to use them to collect information that it can use in a campaign of repression. I refuse to have any part of it, I will never answer their questions, I will never speak.”

“While I hate the very idea of prison, I am ready to face it in order to stay true to my personal beliefs. I know that they want to kidnap me and isolate me from my friends and my loved ones in an effort to coerce me to speak. It will not work. I know that if I am taken away, I will not be alone.”

Katherine “KteeO” Olejnik, a fellow anarchist from the Seattle area, was taken into federal custody on September 28 for refusing to cooperate with a grand jury, a decision she said was based on humanity and her First Amendment protections.

“I cannot and will not say something that could greatly harm a person’s life, and providing information that could lead to long term incarceration would be doing that,” Olejnik wrote before being booked. “Icannot and will not be a party to a McCarthyist policy that is asking individuals to condemn each other based on political beliefs.”

On the No Political Repression blog, a support of Olejnik writes that she was prohibited from taking notes during her time on the stand, during which she says she resisted questioning.

Days before her imprisonment began, Matt Duran was also jailed for contempt. According to his attorneys, Duran was not only imprisoned by placed in solitary confinement, denied intimate contact with his lawyer, denied visitor requests forms, personal dietary requirements and sunlight an fresh air.

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Seattle Stranger: “And Then There Were Three: Third Grand Jury Refuser Goes to Prison”

Stranger. Oct 11:

And Then There Were Three: Third Grand Jury Refuser Goes to Prison


Last night, Portland resident Leah-Lynn Plante spent the first of what could be a year and half’s worth of nights in prison for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury about people she might know who might have been involved with the political vandalism on May Day.

That’s a lot of nights for a few mights.

Plante has not been charged with a crime—in fact, the court granted her immunity from prosecution, meaning she could not invoke her Fifth Amendment right to remain silent—but she could serve time until the expiration of this grand jury. During the open portion of yesterday’s hearings, Judge Richard A. Jones told Plante that might last until March of 2014.

Plante at home.Plante is the third person to be sent to the SeaTac Federal Detention Facility for refusing to testify in this matter. At her sentencing yesterday, around 40 supporters and activists—mostly dressed in black—sat in the federal courtroom while extra security, from the US Marshals and the Department of Homeland Security, stood by. As she was sentenced, and federal marshals prepared to take her away, Judge Jones reminded her that “you hold the keys to your freedom” and that she could be released at any time if she chose to “exercise your right to provide testimony.”

It was an odd turn of phrase—the same judge who, that morning, legally blocked her from exercising her Fifth Amendment right was sending her to federal detention for not exercising a “right.” The 40 or so supporters in the courtroom stood solemnly as she was led away. “I love you,” Plante said to the crowd, as marshals escorted her through a back door. “We love you!” some people in the crowd said. The security men looked tense for a moment, their eyes bright and their jaws clenched, ready for action. Then everyone walked out quietly, without incident.

Plante at court.The only federal defendant to be sentenced for an actual May Day-related crime so far—damaging a door of a federal courthouse during the smashup—was arrested in early May and sentenced, in mid-June, to time served.

Which brings up a pointed question: Why was the only federally identified May Day vandal sentenced to time served (about a month) while people granted immunity from prosecution—Plante says government attorneys don’t dispute that she wasn’t even in Seattle on May Day—are looking down the barrel of 18 months in federal custody? Why is a person who might know something about a crime, but steadfastly insists she has her right to remain silent, facing more severe punishment (about 18 times more severe) than the person who was sentenced for actually committing that crime?*

Minutes before Plante’s hearing, her attorney Peter Mair sat, brow furrowed, in a courthouse lobby. Mair worked for years as a federal prosecutor—he’s indicted the Speaker of the House of Representatives and prosecuted mobsters and corrupt government officials, and is familiar with the workings of federal grand juries.

But given the way government attorneys are using grand juries now, he said, “you could indict a ham sandwich. Defense attorneys are not allowed in, other witnesses are not allowed in… They’re going to send this poor girl off to prison for a year and a half. And the great irony is that the one guy who pleaded guilty to the crime served—what? Forty days?”

He reiterated what many other lawyers in the course of this story have argued—that the grand jury system was originally included in the Bill of Rights to avoid frivolous government indictments. But, he said, federal prosecutors began using that system as a tool for investigation and intimidation during the Nixon administration: “They used it to chase dissidents.”

Jenn Kaplan, an attorney who represented Katherine Olejnik—another grand jury refuser who is now in prison—also showed up at the courthouse yesterday because she was “curious” to see how the Plante hearings would pan out. “Theoretically, the grand jury serves an important function as a jury of peers to find probable cause,” she said, “instead of the US Attorney using it to indict anyone at will without having to publicly demonstrate why to anybody.”

The system has become, she said, “a constitutional bypass around the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, allowing the government access to evidence they wouldn’t otherwise have.” It is also a useful tool to intimidate people, she said, creating a chilling effect on political activism. If simply knowing someone who might be suspected of political vandalism puts you at risk of a subpoena, a federal judge deciding some of your rights no longer apply, and 18 months in jail, it gives you a strong disincentive to associate with such people.

In the end, Kaplan said, it is “far too drastic to bring someone before a grand jury” because that someone might know someone who might have committed an act of vandalism.

May Day.This particular grand jury was empaneled in March, Kaplan said, well before the May Day smashup. Some of the activists in yesterday’s crowd wondered if it had been empaneled simply to investigate the anarchist community, but Emily Langlie of the US Attorney’s office says “that’s not how grand juries work in this region.” Grand juries, she said, hear multiple cases during their tenure. While she could not specifically comment on how many other cases this grand jury was hearing—because grand juries are sworn to secrecy—she could say with confidence that it was not empaneled to look into this one issue.

Once Plante had been led away, her supporters milled around the elevators and in the front lawn of the courthouse, talking about going somewhere to get some food, and maybe a drink. One talked about an FBI special agent who, before the final hearing started, had talked with her and some of her friends while they waited in the antechamber. (I saw him at the end of their conversation, crouching on the carpet while the rest sat on a bench. As I approached, she quietly asked him: “How do you feel about the way the warrants were executed? People hog-tied in their underwear?” Perhaps sensing new ears listening to the conversation, he quietly stood up, walked away, and leaned against a wall until the courtroom opened.) As they walked out of the courtroom, a few looked a little teary.

In the end, yesterday’s quietly tense saga between activists, lawyers, judges, and cops was a symphony of incongruity. Nearly everyone involved seemed to believe they were doing the right thing, and executing their duty to their larger community. Nobody was there for fun, or for greed, or anything so simple as selfishness. That collision course of ideals, which resulted in some vandalism, some raids, some grand jury hearings, and Plante going off to prison, gave the proceedings a melancholy, overcast feeling.

wells_farg.pngThe guards at the security check to the courthouse—which activists and I shuffled through several times, emptying our pockets, taking off our shoes, putting our bags through the scanner—said yesterday didn’t seem particularly busy. “You should see Thursdays,” one said. “Bankruptcy hearings.” He said those days were jammed with people.

“How long have those bankruptcy days been so busy?” I asked.

“Oh, you know,” he said. “For three or four years—since the big crash. Lot of people hurting from that. Lot of people hurting.”


* Emily Langlie of the US Attorney’s office encouraged me to “read the sentencing memorandum” for an answer to that question. The memorandum states that the defendant, Cody Ingram, was homeless, suffered from “mental health issues,” and expressed remorse for his actions. The three grand jury refusers had homes, haven’t been accused of any crime to express remorse about, and I don’t know whether any suffer from mental health issues. But the question stands: Six weeks of detention for a crime committed vs. 18 potential months of detention without having been accused of a crime seems like a gaping disparity.

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Seattle: Occupy Westlake Oct 23


Occupy Westlake camp & protest

  • Tues, Oct 23

We will be converging with our friends and with other occupy’s for a protest and overnight camp @ Westlake on Oct 23. We are gonna throw a “sk8 black flag convergence parlay” later that evening with all our friends & extended family at westlake. Come protest anti -homeless laws !camp with us at westlake Oct 23!!!

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Hello all.

I thought it best to keep a public journal for all to read while I am incarcerated. More things will be added to this website as folks have time to manage it. This website will feature my journal entries from prison, updates about my situation, my well being, letters and books, etc.

Please keep an eye on this page for updates about me.

Keep that PMA! See you on the other side!

Love and solidarity,

Leah-Lynn Plante

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GLITUR: Statement of Solidarity with Bay Area Anti-Colonist Activists

GLITUR. Oct 10:

Statement of Solidarity with Bay Area Anti-Colonist Activists

On Saturday, October 6th, comrades in the city of San Francisco took to the streets in order to protest the murder of indigenous peoples and the destruction of their lands at the hands of capitalists and the colonialist powers that enable them in a march referred to as a west-coast anti-colonial/anti-capitalist march. What began as an expression of sorrow and rage designed as part of the Decolonize the New World 2012 campaign instead turned into a pitched battle with the police, as San Francisco Police Department terrorized and beat marchers, to include those marching on the sidewalk. 22 arrests have been made, some of them protesters fleeing police violence and attempting to avoid repression from the State.

In the aftermath of the arrests, SFPD has released booking photos and sensitive information regarding arrestees to the press in a measure that can only be described as an attempt to intimidate and harass marchers exercising their ability to speak truth to power. A spokesperson for SFPD, Gordon Shyy, included unfounded allegations connecting the marchers to other “crimes” committed with no evidence and no basis in fact. Another newspaper released sensitive medical information as well as full names of those arrested, who have not yet been tried nor found “guilty.”

These acts on the part of the San Francisco Police Department and the local media are clear attempts to dissuade people from participating in free speech. One only need read the comments in the online news stories surrounding these activists to see that they are now exposed to threats of violence and retaliation from the American public. This is an attempt to wedge activists from the public who would benefit from actions against colonialism and capitalism. GLITUR condemns and denounces these tactics of oppression from the State, SFPD, and the corporate media, as should all people who hope for true liberation from oppression.

Queer liberation has always been an ideal and movement for true and total freedom. We urge fellow queers and fellow revolutionaries to stand and say NO to police oppression and NO to media-enabled harassment. We stand in solidarity with the arrestees and other attendees of the October 6th action, and now issue a demand that all charges be dropped and all media harassment end.

Please call the San Francisco District Attorney and demand that all charges be dropped, and that the arrestees be released immediately.

The number to call is (415) 553-1751EXAMPLE OF WHAT YOU SHOULD SAY:Hi my name is _______________________ and I am calling in support of the twenty people arrested during the protest march on Saturday October 6th. I demand you drop these politically
motivated charges and immediately release them all from jail.

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War on Plants: Drug squad confiscates 1624 daisies in Lethbridge, AB raid

TheIntelHub. Oct 4:

Marijuana / Daisies

Drug Squad Confiscates 1624 Daisies in Suburban Garden Raid

As I have explained in many previous articles, the war on drugs is a total fraud and the world would be a lot better off if there were not prohibitions on objects or nonviolent actions.

One of the most ridiculous things about the war on drugs, especially in regards to the prohibition of marijuana, is the fact that at the end of the day it’s just a plant.  If you really think about it, we have come to a very strange place in society when plants are illegal.

The idea of banning plants looks even more ridiculous when a swat team shows up with a warrant to dig up and confiscate 1624 Daisies that were mistaken for marijuana.

Believe it or not, this actually really happened back in July, but news is just now starting to surface that this wasn’t a successful bust.

At the time when police were first interviewed Staff Sergeant Wes Houston said that “This is a significant bust, given the size of this operation.”  As he greeted reporters he was actually proudly displaying garbage bags full of daises, thinking that he was holding marijuana.

Now months later that same officer is talking to reporters again, only this time admitting that the whole raid was a mistake.

This week he told reporters that, “In any investigation, police count public safety as our top priority, our decision to seize the plants was made with the best information we had at the time.”

It has since come forward that “the best information” they had at the time would have been enough to make any sane person think twice before schedualing a raid, or atleast before ripping the garden up.

First off this garden is in plan view, in a back yard in a suburban neighborhood where these daisies have been growing for over a decade, obviously not a drug running operation.

Ryan Thomas Rockman the owner of the garden had even told the police exactly what the plants were, yet they refused to even investigate any further, and the whole raid squad totally mistook these daisies for marijuana.

Unfortunatly for Mr. Rockman, his well-tended back yard garden wasn’t the only casualty in this act of theft, vandalism and home invasion.

Rockman freely admits smoking pot to alleviate back pain, and says he’s applied to the federal government for a medicinal marijuana license.  Coincidentally, during the course of the raid, police found 1.5 pounds of marijuana and 6.3 grams of resin in Rockmans house.

Now a 41 year old grandfather who uses a safe and effective medicine to make his life easier is facing serious charges, and has his reputation totally soiled in his community.

Even though he is an open user and advocate of medical marijuana, the police have still put out official word that he was manufacturing and trafficking drugs, a situation that he says has had a significant impact on his reputation.

Prohibition advocates would say that since this search did result in confiscation of actual drugs, that the raid was warranted.  However, the drugs that were found were merely an unintended consequence of a raid that never should have happened to begin with.

Nonviolent people are not criminals, and people like Mr. Rockman who use drugs responsibly are not any kind of threat to society.

What is a threat to society is the growing police state that is bringing violence upon nonviolent people, kidnapping them, putting them in cages, and robbing them of every last cent that they have over the course of their probation or parole.

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Video Statement from a Resister: Leah-Lynn Plante

Leah was taken to the prison at Seatac, WA at the hearing today (10/10/2012). Details later.




[vimeo w=500&h=281]

Leah is a Grand Jury Resister form Portland, OR.

Green is the New Red. Oct 10:

“Today is October 10th, 2012 and I am ready to go to prison.”

Today Leah Plante will again appear before a federal grand jury in Seattle, Washington, for the third time, and refuse to testify about her political beliefs and political associations. It is likely that she will be imprisoned for her principled stance against what she calls a witch hunt against local anarchists.

The grand jury is investigating anarchists in the Northwest, following FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force raids in search of “anarchist literature.” Two other anarchists, Matthew Kyle Duran and Katherine Olejnik, have already been imprisoned for refusing to cooperate.

Plante wrote a powerful statement to her friends and supporters in preparation for today’s hearing. Here is an excerpt:

On the morning of July 25th, 2012, my life was turned upside down in a matter of hours. FBI agents from around Washington and Oregon and Joint Terrorism Task Force agents from Washington busted down the front door of my house with a battering ram, handcuffed my house mates and me at gunpoint, and held us hostage in our backyard while they read us a search warrant and ransacked our home. They said it was in connection to May Day vandalism that occurred in Seattle, Washington earlier this year.

“They want us to feel isolated, alone and scared.”

However, we suspected that this was not really about broken windows. As if they had taken pointers from Orwell’s 1984, they took books, artwork and other various literature as “evidence” as well as many other personal belongings even though they seemed to know that nobody there was even in Seattle on May Day. While we know that knowledge is powerful, we suspected that nobody used rolled up copies of the Stumptown Wobbly to commit property damage. We saw this for what it was. They are trying to investigate anarchists and persecute them for their beliefs. This is a fishing expedition. This is a witch hunt. Since then, thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request, we have learned that this Grand jury was convened on March 2nd, 2012, two months before the May Day vandalism even took place…

This is from a FBI training guide about anarchist “terrorists.” “Non-cooperative” is one of the only things they got right.

I do not look forward to what inevitably awaits me today, but I accept it. I ask that people continue to support us throughout this process by writing us letters, sending us books, donating and spreading awareness.I cannot express in words how grateful I am to all those who have shown us support and solidarity, especially our friends, partners and loved ones. We will all get through this together. I know I am a broken record with the following sentiment, but I feel like it’s worth repeating. They want us to feel isolated, alone and scared. I know that even though Kteeo has been held in what is essentially solitary confinement, she does not feel alone. I know that Matt does not feel alone. I know that I will not feel alone. When they try to mercilessly gut communities, we do not scatter, we grow stronger, we thrive. I view this State repression like this: The State thinks it is a black hole that can destroy whatever it wants. In reality, it is much more like a stellar nursery, wherein it unintentionally creates new, strong anarchist stars.

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Seattle: PSKS Fundraiser Art Show [Oct12]



PSKS Fundraiser Art Show [Oct12]

  • Fri, Oct 12 @ 5 – 9pm

Please help us continue to provide services at Peace for the Streets by Kids on the Streets by attending a fundraising art show this Friday from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. There will be free music, food, live poetry reading, bake sale and an art sale! PSKS has been providing valuable services to the Capitol Hill community since 1995. They provide a day drop in center(child and dog friendly) which has free hot meals, social services, and school aid. We are the last homeless service center on Capitol Hill. We have a continuum of care model we follow from homelessness to life off the streets. We are asking for a $5 suggested donation at the door.

Hope to see you all there!

If anyone has art work they want to donate for the silent auction please drop them off at PSKS between now and Friday noon-4 PM.

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West Coast Solidarity: Legal $upport for 22 beaten/arrested at Decolonize the New World [SF] march

#### Posting this again, show these comrades some support. They were ambushed by SFPD, and being held on exaggerated felony charges and conspiracies. Then SFPD beat them up in custody. They need $3,000 to bail everyone out, help by chipping in, and/and forward it on. ####


From Legal $olidarity. (CLICK to $upport):

Legal $olidarity for Anti-Columbus Day Action in SF: Decolonize the New World 2012

22 arrested and beaten by SFPD in San Francisco at Decolonize the New World 2012 on Saturday October 6th.

See arrest video at

See OWS Streamer’s footage (including his own arrest) at

See a statement at

Promo video for action:

$3,000 is roughly what it cost to bail one person, $888 has already been paid toward that in order to get them out of jail already and we are trying to raise money for another $2,000 that is owed to the bail bonds agency on behalf of that one person. This WePay page is raising bail for this one person in particular (DB) since money is still owed to keep them out of jail and people used their rent money to get them out of jail. Anything raised beyond $3,000 will go to Occupy Oakland Anti-Repression for arranging legal solidarity support for the entirety of those arrested and facing charges from Saturday’s action (

For some background on this struggle, see Gord Hill’s “500 Years of Indigenous Reistance” at

If you cannot donate anything financially, please take the time to spread this message to those who may be able to.

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Seattle: Black Coffee now open on Capitol Hill

Black Coffee. Oct 8:

First Week of Black Coffee

We’re open for coffee, and we’ve still got lots of work to do..

The space is still under construction – we’ve still got a whole laundry list of work to do. Nonetheless, we wanted to start preparing the public for how delicious our coffee is, so we’ve set up a temporary coffee bar to start serving coffee and espresso!

The coffee bar is operating inconsistent hours at the moment, as we transition out of our other jobs, but expect to find us from 6am-6pm on weekdays, 8am-6pm on weekends. We’d love to make you a coffee (and not JUST black coffee), wether you dig a strong and complex espresso, or a sweet and warming mocha, let us be your coffee shop! You’ll find us at 501 E. Pine St., the corner of E Pine & Summit. You can pull up right outside our door by bus lines 10, 49, and the 43 & 8 run just around the corner.

We’ve also launched a whole new set of perks for our IndieGoGo fundraiser! Get a professional massage, free coffee for a year, personal barista training, and many more wonderful gift packages. Support Black Coffee through mutual aid!

Check out the New Perks!

We’re looking to have the coffee bar open consistently through the month of October while we complete the buildout of our space. In order to make this happen, we’re putting a call out for baristas!

Are you a trained barista?

We’re looking for baristas that want to join us in working volunteer shifts at the coffee barWe need folks who are trained and excited to represent the co-op. Just to clarify, we are ALL working volunteers right now, worker-owners included. We’re at full capacity in terms of full worker-owners now, but after a month or two of business we will know wether we can start growing our team. Here are the details for volunteering:

  • You can pick your own shifts (preferably 4 or more hours). Any weekday from 6am-6pm, and any weekend from 8am-6pm.
  • You’ll get to earn tips
  • You’ll be helping out the co-op! Thank you!


  • Specialty Coffee Trained
  • Current Food Handler Permit
  • Understanding of the Black Coffee Co-op’s mission or interest in learning more.

If you’re interested in a volunteer barista position, email, or contact us here.

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Seattle: Device found outside Seattle FBI office was flashlight

Seattle Times. Oct 9:

Device found outside Seattle FBI office was flashlight

The suspicious device destroyed by an FBI bomb squad outside the downtown Seattle FBI building appeared to be a flashlight with a blinking red light.

Spokeswoman Ayn Dietrich says it was not explosive or hazardous and no threat had been made to the agency.

The suspicious device was spotted by building guards about 2 a.m. Monday. Seattle police closed streets around the Abraham Lincoln Building at Third and Seneca until the device was destroyed around 5 a.m. by the bomb squad.

The building is not marked as an FBI field office and there’s no indication whether the device was left on the sidewalk accidentally or intentionally.

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Portland: Plaza re-Occupiers faced off with DHS Federal Protective Services

Portland IMC. Oct 7:

Portland re-Occupiers face off with DHS Federal Protective Services

DHS Federal Protective services moved twenty protesters out of Terry Shrunk plaza before midnight. Riot police were on scene but not employed to make any arrests. FPS officers remained guarding the park after riot police left. Portland, OR, USA, 10/07/2012.

posted by:

Oct 7, 2012

Oct 7, 2012

Oct 7, 2012

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Fort Chipewyan AB: Athabasca Chipewyan band files treaty rights challenge against Shell

Warrior Publications. Oct 3:

Athabasca Chipewyan band files treaty rights challenge against Shell

SHAWN McCARTHY and CARRIE TAIT, The Globe and Mail, Monday, Oct. 01 2012

The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation has launched a constitutional challenge to Royal Dutch Shell PLC’s application for approval of the proposed Jackpine oil sands mine expansion, saying neither the company nor the government has adequately consulted or accommodated its treaty rights.
If successful, the groundbreaking legal action by the Indian band would create a major new hurdle for oil sands proponents, forcing them to work with federal and provincial governments to fully consult aboriginal communities before they get a permit to proceed.
In a filing with the joint review panel released Monday, the Athabasca Chipewyan band argued the federal-provincial panel has a responsibility to hear constitutional issues, and, or if necessary, refer the matter to the courts for a decision on whether Shell’s effort was sufficient to meet its constitutionally protected treaty rights, in the absence of engagement by the federal government.
“The feds have a responsibility along with the province to fully engage the First Nations in consultation – which they refuse to do so – when it comes to major development, said Allan Adam, chief of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, which represents people who live in Fort Chipewyan, downstream from Fort McMurray.
“This time we’re going to take it all the way and we’re going see first hand what the government were thinking when they went ahead and developed this plan without first nations’ involvement.”
Canada’s ambition to develop its resource sector – a central focus of the Harper government – is increasingly running into challenges from aboriginal communities who say they must not only be consulted but have their concerns accommodated and be treated as full partners.
Last week, former Indian affairs minister Jim Prentice criticized the federal approach to the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline project. He argued Ottawa had yet to fulfill its constitutional duty to the aboriginal communities along the pipeline route, a shortcoming that could doom the project to endless court challenges.
The Fort Chipewyan community has challenged the constitutionality of the oil-sands approval process in the past, but either failed because it had filed its legal action long after the approval process had ended, or did not have the resources to carry the challenge to the end.
A Shell spokesman defended the company’s efforts to consult with first nations.
“Shell has engaged extensively with ACFN over the last 15 years,” David Williams said in an e-mail.
“We’re aware of their concerns around Treaty 8 and our door remains open.”

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Vancouver BC: Complaints against the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit – Deaf Ears get Deafer

Vancouver Media Co-op. Oct 4:

The Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit has a huge list of complaints against them. These can range from the routine, to the downright outrageous. The complaints run the full gambit, and unlike at a summit, these complaints show the full impact of the Olympics and the RCMP on the local communities that you wouldn’t normally find if you were to go to one of the fancy community centres and read the press releases.

The allegations against the V2010ISU include:

  • Sex Workers forced to have sex with members of the V2010ISU
  • Assaulted VANOC employees (Not even VANOC liked the V2010ISU)
  • Illegal Search and Seizure

The complaints appear to have allegations of sexual harassment. I’m amazed that this material never made it out to the public, but we all know that the mainstream media with few exceptions were more interested in the happy story of the Olympics than even more tales of the RCMP behaving badly, but the complaints appearing make it seem outrageous. There’s also a complaint brought against Bud Mercer himself about volunteer accreditation.

It should be noted that these complaints are explicitly Olympic Related which indicates that the CPC must have gotten some budget for dealing with these complaints. It would be interesting to find out what the budget was, or if this was just under its existing mandate.

As usual, the documents are below and if someone wants to run with this, it would definitely be an interesting story.

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Commentary: Northern Gateway’s dead

Warrior Publications. Oct 6:

Northern Gateway’s dead

Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail, Friday, Oct. 05 2012

The Northern Gateway pipeline that Enbridge proposes to build from Alberta’s bitumen oil to the Pacific coast of British Columbia is, for all intents and purposes, dead.

Yes, regulatory hearings before the National Energy Board will continue until the NEB approves the project. And yes, Enbridge will keep pushing for it. And yes, the Harper government, which is so publicly committed to the project, will continue to extol its virtues as part of the need to get Canadian resources to Asia.

But the project is dead. It has too many obstacles now, and there’ll be more in the future.

To survive, the Gateway pipeline would have to push past the growing opposition of British Columbians in general, the opposition of the current Liberal provincial government and the NDP government likely to replace it next year, the unanimous opposition of environmentalists, considerable opposition from at least some of the aboriginal groups along the route and, if all this were not enough, the likelihood of prolonged court battles.

What’s not standing in the way are U.S. environmentalists, whom the Harper government accused of being the principal reasons for the project’s problems. This wild statement was, then as now, completely at variance with reality, since British Columbians are hardly to be led around by their collective nose by a handful of folks from south of the border. To suggest otherwise is to insult their intelligence.

B.C. Premier Christy Clark just spent two days in Alberta, including a meeting with Alberta Premier Alison Redford that both described as frosty. Ms. Clark said she was in Alberta to inform Albertans of B.C.’s concerns and demands; but given a looming political debacle at home, she was really speaking to her home audience.

It was the height of rudeness to ask for a meeting, as Ms. Clark did, then offer nothing and not even pretend to be civil, as if the most urgent thing on her mind was telling the B.C. media how unproductive had been the meeting she sought.

But good manners flee, even between premiers of contiguous provinces, when one of them – Ms. Clark – is fighting for her political life and has come to understand how unpopular Gateway has become in British Columbia. Indeed, it would seem that the more British Columbians know about the project, the less they like it, starting with the reasonable question: Why should B.C. take most of the environmental risks for so little actual gain?

Ms. Clark, reading the political winds, has become testy about Gateway; her likely successor, NDP Leader Adrian Dix, is adamantly opposed. As are, of course, the federal New Democrats. The Harper Conservatives can steamroller the federal NDP in Parliament, but they can’t so easily steamroller the B.C. government and public opinion.

Aboriginals are divided, of course, but those who’re opposed can make life very difficult for Enbridge even if the NEB approves the pipeline. In fact, some aboriginal groups would take a green light to Gateway as a green light to appeal to the courts, arguing that their constitutional right to be consulted on lands they claim to be theirs was not respected, a precept articulated by the Supreme Court of Canada. At the very least, this litigation would stretch on for years.

Enbridge has not helped itself in the court of public opinion with embarrassing pipeline spills. These might be one-off affairs, explainable on technical grounds, but they looked bad and, politically, smelled worse.

The diminished prospects for Gateway make it somewhat more attractive building further pipeline capacity down the Fraser River to the Lower Mainland, where the Kinder Morgan-owned Trans Mountain pipeline already runs. The prospect of more ships in Vancouver’s harbour is among the obstacles for this project.

Trains? They don’t carry the capacity of pipelines. But they arouse less opposition, so that option has a better chance politically than a pipeline for bitumen to the Pacific. Shipping more oil to Eastern Canada seems to be the easiest option politically of all.

But bitumen oil to Asia through northern B.C. just ain’t going to happen.

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Vancouver BC: Attack on Community Policing Centre: Solidarity with Anti-Colonial Clashes in the Bay & PNW Grand Jury Resistance

Columbus statue, Barcelona, Spain Oct 8:

Attack on Vancouver Community Policing Centre: Solidarity with Anti-Colonial Street Clashes in the Bay

Last night the Hastings-Sunrise Community Policing Centre in East Vancouver had it’s locks glued shut and windows splattered with etching fluid. This but a small gesture for all the comrades in the Bay who were taken hostage by the state yesterday during their anti-capitalist and anti-colonial demo. From Vancouver to The Bay: Fuck The Police!

AllFamily NoFriends Brigade 2012


PugetSoundAnarchists. Oct 8:

Attack on Kitsilano Community Policing Centre, Solidarity with PNW Grand Jury Resisters

During the early hours of October 8th the Kitsilano Community Policing Centre in Vancouver had it’s locks glued shut and paint thrown on it’s facade. This small gesture was done in solidarity with anarchists in the northwest currently facing state repression from the ongoing Grand Jury investigation.

For those who refuse to break or bend!
For the silent ones!

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Decolonize The New World 2012 (Video)

All Power to the Positive. Oct 8:

++++++++++ ++++ ++++

Legal $olidarity:


22 arrested and beaten by SFPD in San Francisco at Decolonize the New World 2012 on Saturday October 6th.

See arrest video at

See OWS Streamer’s footage (including his own arrest) at

See a statement at

Promo video for action:

$3,000 is roughly what it has cost to bail one person, $888 has already been paid toward that in order to get them out of jail already and we are trying to raise money for another $2,000 that is owed to the bail bonds agency on behalf of that one person. Anything raised beyond $3,000 will go to Occupy Oakland Anti-Repression for arranging legal solidarity support for the entirety of those arrested and facing charges from Saturday’s action (

For some background on this struggle, see Gord Hill’s “500 Years of Indigenous Reistance” at

If you cannot donate anything financially, please take the time to spread this message to those who may be able to.

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SF Bay Area: Report From Anti Columbus March (10/6/2012) Oct 6:

Around 150 people gathered in Justin Herman Plaza. They were against everything: the military jets making metal of the air, the hordes of tourists thoughtlessly awing at the spectacular display of death above the city, the office towers and malls hanging above the waterfront, the unrestrained and uninterrupted reign of capitalism, slavery, colonialism, the empire.

At 3:30 pm they left the plaza carrying a banner that read RESIST GENOCIDE – DESTROY WHAT IS CIVILIZED . They headed towards the streets behind the Embarcadero Center mall. The riot police immediately began to follow alongside the march, and just as quickly the first paint bomb was thrown at them. The police declared the march illegal before it had walked a block. Along the route several luxury cars had their windows smashed and their tires deflated. The cops continued to get hit with bright paint as people proceeded towards Market Street.

They attempted to stop the march at one point but were outmaneuvered and the march was able to continue another two blocks. It was not until the police attempted to apprehend a single individual that the march was halted and a brawl began. The police swarmed in, two dozen of them on motorcycles, and began to isolate lone individuals and smaller groups of people. A Starbucks had its windows smashed as people were dispersing and in the end at least 19 people were beaten and arrested as the military jets thundered overhead.

The hordes of enthusiastic and wonderstruck tourists and baseball fans coursed through the metropolis, unaware of what was taking place behind Embarcadero Plaza. The virus that was planted in San Francisco hundreds of years ago was still expanding, neutralizing all resistance, and keeping itself alive. To all those marveling at the war jets in the sky, it is difficult to make sense of a mob of people who are against the colonial system. To be against colonialism, capitalism, and civilization are not popular causes—at least in affluent places like San Francisco wherein most have been convinced by the virus that its glitters are to their benefit. But this was why people went onto the street, and this is why they were attacked so severely.

The Colonial Machine, with their cops, laws, and order, attacked in order to silence our resistance and solidarity with others against a toxic system created to keep us in cages. From the belly of the beast, people rebelled against everything that fuels this empire. Cops attack to maintain order with their guns and badges, people attack with paints to liberate walls and brighten the darkness. There is no freedom in Amerikkka, there is no justice on occupied land. 520 years later, Indigenous people resist genocide and slavery through occupations. Decolonize the Empire, rebel for life. Decolonize the New World, liberate all walls, brighten the darkness.

More updates to come after Columbus Day…


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Portland: Co-op Activist Targeted for Anti-Racist Advocacy

Rose City Antifa. Oct 7:

Co-op Activist Targeted for Anti-Racist Advocacy


On the early morning of October 6th, a rock was thrown through the home window of a worker at the Red & Black Café who is active in co-op circles. Writing on the rock read: “RCA [Rose City Antifascists] fuck off”. While the person targeted is not a member of Rose City Antifascists, the attack on the home was clearly designed to send a message of intimidation to broader anti-racist circles. Anti-racists in Portland will not step back any of their efforts as a result of the home vandalism.

The rock-throwing took place the day after the Red & Black Café collective decided to endorse the Rose City Antifa call for Citybikes to be boycotted. Rose City Antifa issued that call for a boycott due to years of antisemitic activism and promotion of militant racists by Citybikes President Tim Calvert. The Red & Black Café is a worker-owned cooperative business in Portland also affiliated with the local branch of the Industrial Workers of the World.

The co-op activist whose home was targeted had previously worked independently of RCA within the co-op movement, trying to raise the issue of Tim Calvert’s antisemitic activism within the Western Worker Cooperative Conference (WWCC) at a time when Calvert was part of the WWCC Board. Tim Calvert’s ally Rod McLaughlin (AKA “Jay Knott”), another hardcore antisemitic propagandist who maintains the Pacifica Forum website, wrote about this co-op activism in a March 2012 article titled “Zionist Bullying in the West Coast Co-op Movement”. The alleged “Zionist bullying” was speaking out against the  Judeophobic agitation that Calvert engages in alongside racist, anti-choice and anti-queer organizers. McLaughlin’s article quotes emails that were sent as part of WWCC discussions, suggesting that someone in the co-op movement leaked or forwarded these communications to Calvert’s bigoted friends. The Pacifica Forum, whose website McLoughlin operates, is notorious for hosting speakers such as Jimmy Marr of the National Socialist Movement. We are alarmed that discussion from the co-op movement was passed on to McLoughlin and possibly other political associates of Calvert.


Rose City Antifascists are looking into all angles surrounding the targeting of the home. We are committed to defending those singled out for being anti-racists, whether or not they are active within our organization.

We are currently accepting donations for the person whose home was targeted, for window replacement and related expenses, which we will pass on directly. Please, if sending funds, also send a brief note to our main email letting us know that funds are earmarked for solidarity with the targeted co-op worker.

Anyone who may have information about this attack is invited to contact Rose City Antifascists. Our voicemail number is 971-533-7832 and our email is fight_them_back [at] riseup [dot] net.

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Victoria: Independent Camas Books thrives outside the mainstream

Saanich News. Oct 4:

Independent Camas Books thrives outside the mainstream

Camas Books volunteer and collective member Kim Croswell stands amid the store in the process of unpacking in its new location on Quadra Street.


If Camas Books adopted the corporate lingo of mainstream advertising, the store might be tagged “new and improved.”

Or that might make its collective members collectively cringe. Victoria’s non-hierarchical hub of anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-colonial and radical literature has relocated to a space half a block north from its former home at the corner of Quadra Street and Kings Road.

Walls in the new space are splashed with grand, sweeping murals of nature – a humpback whale arches across the back wall, a cougar guards the cash register – while scattered boxes of books attest to the chaos of moving. A volunteer work party was expected to have the store in order and reopened by Wednesday.

“I’m interested in discovering what the culture on this side of the street is like,” jokes Kim Croswell, a volunteer and member of the Camas Books collective, referring to their relocation to the north side of Kings Road. “We’re fortunate that we don’t have to leave the neighbourhood. We like it here.”

Camas Books has survived for five years on a business model that matches the philosophy of its book inventory. It’s a non-profit society run by a collective, where 24 members come to consensus on decision making through discussion and debate.

“We have a broad base of community support. It’s reflected in the size of the collective, and volunteers give their time, skills and expertise to keep it going,” said Allan Antliff, one of the founding members of Camas Books and a University of Victoria professor of art history.

“The books we carry aren’t carried in any other book store in Victoria. We have a strong identity in the radical community, and a strong indigenous orientation. It all comes together to create a viable operation,” he says.

Camas Books will fundraise to help pay for the move, but Croswell said in general, the store is financially self-sustaining through book sales and community events, such as art shows, book readings and film launches. Its volunteer base is dedicated and loyal, and more than enough to staff the store seven days per week.

“We’re a mixture of teachers, high school and university students, writers, cab drivers, people who work two jobs and then come here and do shifts. It’s people from all walks of life,” says Croswell, who teaches distance learning.

Camas Books takes its name from the camas plant, a traditional aboriginal food source. In keeping with its mandate of promoting indigenous rights, the store makes a point of describing its location on traditional Lekwungen (Songhees and Esquimalt First Nation) territory.

“The mandate is to promote alternative knowledge and books. A huge element is the  indigenous section and the decolonization section,” Croswell noted.

Antliff, a Canada Research Chair and an expert in anarchist history, and others, started the bookstore by renting shelf space at Dark Horse Books in downtown Victoria, and eventually raised enough money to open a retail space in Quadra Village in 2007.

Despite being a founding member, these days Antliff takes a back seat helping guide the collective.

“I do a lot of grunt work. I mop the floor and clean up. I leave the leadership to others. There are very talented people in the collective,” Antliff says. “I’m interested in art and social change. For me, it’s a good fit.”

Camas Books is hosting a reopening celebration on Oct. 12, 6:30 p.m., featuring CBC Radio host and poet laureate Janet Rogers, at 2620 Quadra St.

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Portland: Update on Pax

Portland ABC. Oct 8:

Update on Pax

From Free Pax:  We would like to say ‘thank you’ to all who have extended solidarity to Pax (Bryan Wiedeman) throughout this situation. We hope that similar solidarity will be displayed in other instances of repression–political repression as well as policing-as-usual that operates along class-based, racist and patriarchal lines.

Pax accepted a plea deal on October 1st for three counts of criminal mischief in the first degree. He was arrested last May and was initially charged with 72 felonies — something about vandalizing ATM’s.  The non-cooperating plea deal includes 5 years supervised probation, 20 days of weekend jail, 80 hours of community service, and $43084.59 restitution.  (Wow, I’m no math wizard but that sounds like a pile.) The discrepancy between the original charges and the anti-climactic outcome is evidence that the prosecution was politically motivated, said Kristian Williams, with the Committee Against Political Repression. “The police don’t ordinarily kick down doors with guns drawn over simple vandalism,” says Williams, “and the attempt to inflate the case to felony conspiracy is pretty shameful. Clearly the whole affair was politically motivated.” PDXABC hopes Pax can get this mess behind him soon and we do wish the PoPo would stop over reacting to everything.   Quit blasting away at every moving thing.  Remember: Not everyone is a good driver, which does not necessarily entitle you to run them off the road in your off hours with your personal vehicle in order to confront them with your gun.  Not everyone displays good judgment at all times; probably not a valid criteria for jumping up and down on their chest cavity until it caves in, or shooting them in the back after having done your utmost to scare the bejesus out of them in the first place.  Just stay calm.  Lay off the caffeine and performance enhancing steroids – those eventually lead to testicular cancer, you know.  Then, in addition to being unreasonable,  you’ll also become copilopiflopulous – or put another way; out of plumb.

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Arcata: Wed Night, Oct 11th: OPEN MIC Speak Out Against Police Brutality

Redwood Curtain Copwatch:

One of many events leading up to Days of Action Against Police Brutality 2012, Oct 22nd-23rd

A safe space to share experiences, music, spoken word, art, etc. about police violence resistance to it.


Open Mic

  • Wednesday night, 6:00pm-8:30pm
  • @ Garden Bliss
  • 3rd and E St   Arcata

Bring food to share, if you can

featuring spoken word by Angie Hart!

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Decolonize Portland: 2 Anti-Columbus films and beads [Oct 7]


Film showing and beads

In Solidarity with Indigenous Day, Decolonize Portland invites you to our Anti-Colombus Day Event!

Sunday Oct 7th 4-6pm at the Red and Black Cafe 400 SE 12th avenue.
We will be screening two documentaries :


We will have a guest speaker Jessica Rojas from the Grassroots Women’s Legal Defense Fund. Information below. The event will be a fundraiser for GWLDF and they will have beadwork made by incarcerated women for sale to benefit them, as well as donations will be collected.
Love and Struggle,
Decolonize Portland

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Vancouver BC: Fuck Colonist Holidays, leaflet, banner

Vancouver Media Co-op. Oct 6:

Thanksgiving – NO THANKS: Leafletting To Promote Total Liberation

On Oct. 4th, at the corner of Burrard and Robson, a crew of punks and anarchists flew a banner that read “Total Liberation:  None Are Free Until All Are Free”, and handed out leaflets (see bottom of article) addressing the colonial and genocidal roots of Thanksgiving, and the intersecting systems of oppression that promote the mass murder and consumption of turkeys at this time of  year.

This action was prompted by a call-out for turkey leafletting made by PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.  PETA asked that their activists to “dress conservatively” and “stand up straight and hold signs prominently”.  Their blatant classism and conservatism prompted a response from the Black Pawprint Collective.

It’s not enough to ask people not to eat meat for Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a celebration of colonization, Indigenous genocide and capitalism at its worst.  As such it is a celebration of violence and oppression. Simply abstaining from the most overt expression of this violence (saving turkeys, as PETA suggests) does not erase the oppression that Thanksgiving perpetuates.  There can be no such thing as compassionate Thanksgiving.

The problem with Thanksgiving is not hard to grasp for anyone with a critical and compassionate perspective on the systemic racism, classism, and violence towards non-humyn animals that permeates mainstream western culture.  Even the folks at PETA came around, and by the end of the day PETA members were handing out Black Pawprint’s literature.  An ironic turn of events considering PETA’s consistent disregard and contempt for other liberation struggles, most notably the feminist and anti-capitalist movements.  After an hour and a half, the collective packed up and left.  Many conversations, no arrests.


For many North Americans, Thanksgiving is a time to come together around the table and give thanks for everything we are thankful for.  It is a family time, a gluttonous feast.


Civilly appointed Thanksgiving (harvest celebrations existed on Turtle Island/Canada long before colonizers declared war on Indigenous peoples) was created in 1621 to commemorate a colonizer settlement’s first harvest.  This celebration of agricultural prowess paved the way for cultural extermination and religious assimilation to ravage the Indigenous population.

Colonization is ongoing.  Foster care and prisons have taken up the assimilation program that residential schools have been working at for generations.  We must stand against the destruction of culture ongoing across this continent.


The agricultural industrial complex has mechanized the process of food production to maximize profits, with no regard for workers’ safety or conditions for the animals.

Turkeys are forced to reproduce; female turkeys are artificially inseminated – which without consent constitutes rape – by machines held by wage laborers who are violently oppressed by capitalist scum bosses.   Millions of turkeys are killed** at this time of year so that we can celebrate Indigenous genocide and assimilation.


The oppression of any life is the oppression of our own. Make the effort to become educated on the ongoing effects of colonization.  Fight the institutions that are keeping liberation and self-realization from your grasp, and instead of eating them, fight alongside the turkeys who are protesting their death until their last breath.

** A poultry slaughterhouse can be explored without leaving town: look in the alley north of Hastings at Commercial Drive.


copy of the leaflet:

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Portland: Occupy-Related F6 Protest Trials End, No Anarchists in Sight

Portland Mercury. Oct 3:

Occupy-Related F6 Protest Trials End, No Anarchists in Sight

Yesterday, the Multnomah County courtroom of Judge Cheryl Albrecht saw yet another Occupy Portland-related trial. This time for the unpermitted February 6, 2012 anti-police brutality protests.

The night of February 6, or F6, is one both protesters and cops won’t forget anytime soon. It was the night both kinda went ape-shit. They yelled insults at each other. Anarchists broke stuff, and cops tackled people to the ground. Stuck in the middle were curious onlookers and members of Occupy Portland.

In fact, technically F6 wasn’t an Occupy protest at all. Instead, a group of self-proclaimed anarchists organized the protest, saying Occupy wasn’t going far enough. In online forums, the group called for a “diversity of tactics.” The Portland Police Bureau monitored these forums and concluded F6 would be chock full of people carrying “pyrotechnic devices and projectiles such as paint bombs, rocks, bottles, roman candles, and possibly even Molotov cocktail bombs.” In response, the police pulled out all the stops, bringing bike cops, riot cops, and horses to the protest. There did wind up being people dressed in the anarchist Black Bloc uniform of black hoodies and bandanas, and they did break stuff, but the protesters didn’t live up to their Molotov-cocktail-throwing reputation.

Of the ten protesters arrested on February 6, the last two faced trial yesterday—most of the rest plead guilty at arraignments and were sentenced to community service. Yesterday, the county judge heard the cases of 28-year-old Nefi Martinez-Bravo and 23-year-old Taylor Sharpe—a third defendant was a no-show. Like many of the other Occupy cases, both Martinez-Bravo and Sharpe were arrested on misdemeanor charges that were later reduced to violations. The two now face charges of obstructing a roadway—a traffic violation—and failing to obey a police officer. Judge Albrecht is expected to decide on their guilt or innocence by mid-December. But if there is one thing clear from yesterday’s proceedings, these guys aren’t the window-smashing anarchists the cops were so worked up over.

Video taken by police, protesters, and the media show neither Sharpe nor Martinez-Bravo dressed like anarchists nor making any attempt to hide their identity behind bandanas. Both men also told the court they showed up late to the protest, well after the night’s vandalism was over.

F6 breaks down like this: at around at around 6 pm on February 6, a group of about 80 protesters left Colonel Summers Park in Southeast Portland. From there, the group, chanting “No Justice, No Peace, Fuck the Police,” headed east on residential SE Yamhill before heading north to the much busier threw streets of SE Belmont and Stark. On their journey, a small group of maybe 10 to 20 protesters dressed liked anarchists spray-painted a car, smashed-up two other cars, and busted up a storefront widow. At that point the cops started blaring an order to vacate the street or be “subject to arrest,” as they followed the crowd with the ice cream truck—a vehicle with mounted bullhorns used during protests. At around 7:00pm, on SE Belmont between SE 20th and 23rd Ave, riot cops and bike cops swooped in dispersing the crowd by chasing people out of the street and tackling them to the ground. The majority of the night’s arrests happened then. Nefi Martinez-Bravo’s arrest was one of these. Later, a much smaller crowd of maybe 30 people moved south on SE 20th and then east on SE Hawthorne, the last batch of arrests occur around SE 25th Ave and Hawthorne, one of these was Taylor Sharpe’s.

Martinez-Bravo’s case is a he-said-they-said situation. During yesterday’s proceedings, the defendant kind of half admitted to stepping in the road at one point to see what was happening, which seemed to be corroborated by police testimony. However he said he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to be in road at that time, because, as he told the court, he had just arrived at the protest from another direction and, consequently, hadn’t heard the ice cream truck order. The prosecutor, Deputy District Attorney Brian Lowney, called this “convenient.” But what actually happened is unclear.

On top of having to defend himself, English is a second language for Martinez-Bravo, and in court yesterday, he clearly struggled to articulate what happened to him. But he might have won sympathy points with Lowney after he showed video of himself on the sidewalk curled up in the fetal position getting tackled by two Portland cops.

Members of Occupy have long suspected cops “snatch and grab” protesters while on the sidewalk. And they do. The cops don’t call it that, of course. They say protesters are arrested on the sidewalk only if they were first in the street and didn’t leave following orders to do so. Taylor Sharpe is one of these suspected rule breakers.

Like Martinez-Bravo, Sharpe was also arrested on the sidewalk. And like Martinez-Bravo, the cops claimed he was, at one point, in the street. In Sharpe’s case it was at around SE Hawthorne and 25th, or roughly across from the Rivermark Community Credit Union. (Nobody seems to know exactly what time it was, but it was sometime after 7 pm).

Taylor Sharpe testifying.


Sharpe’s case is also a bit of a he-said-they-said thing. The police claim the PSU student went off the sidewalk at some point and was nearly arrested by an officer, but managed, somehow, to escape the cop’s clutches and return to the sidewalk, where, they say, he stayed—thinking he was safe. Sharpe told the court this never happened, he never left the sidewalk, and in the dim light, the cops mistook him for someone else. And he made a very strong argument.

In his defense, Sharpe offered testimony from a local woman—not a protester, just a “nosey Rosey”—who sought Sharpe out after she saw him knocked down by the cops and taken from the sidewalk. Sharpe also showed the court police video and video taken by a Livestream videographer, who also testified. None of the footage shows Sharpe on the street. Sharpe’s witnesses also couldn’t place him there. Only the cops could. On top of that, the officer who initially identified Sharpe didn’t arrest him. Two other officers did that, after, that is, they got a description of Sharpe from yet another officer. Sharpe was identified as a young man in black Columbia jacket. A very generic description, Sharpe argued. (And a commenter will make a joke about wearing black to an anarchist-organized protest in three, two, one…). But this might be enough to find him guilty.

Because Sharpe and Martinez-Bravo’s cases are only violations, the cases against them don’t need to be beyond a reasonable doubt. That means what the prosecution argued might be enough for guilty verdicts—although, Lowney admitted, after watching video of Martinez-Bravo being tackled-by-cops, the prosecution’s argument for failing to obey an officer is weak in Martinez-Bravo’s case. In Sharpe’s case, Judge Albrecht will have to decide whether Sharpe’s civilian witnesses have sharper eyes than the DA’s police witnesses. She’s expected to make her verdict in these cases after she considers how constitutional arguments presented by Occupy’s defense-lawyer brain trust might apply to all the Occupy cases on her docket. Her decision is expected by mid-December.

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Vancouver BC: Fur Shops in Vancouver Vandalized Again, Snowflake Fur closed

Animal Liberation Press Office. Sept 28:

Fur Shops in Vancouver Vandalized Again

Five weeks ago we took action against Snowflake Furs and Speiser Furs in Vancouver Canada. We used 10 large syringes with 16 gauge needles to shoot a foul substance into the stores through small spaces in the doors. Syringes have the ability to shoot more than 25 feet into the building onto their merchandise causing serious economic damage.

The Pacific Center Snowflake Furs location is now closed indefinitely. The store is gutted and lifeless, how appropriate.

We will stop when the violence and murder stops and it is only a matter of time before actions like these start occurring at the other Snowflake locations in Whistler and Banff.

To anyone who does not understand why fur stores are being targeted in this way please search ‘fur cruelty’ or ‘skinned alive for fur’ on your computer and spend some time witnessing the horrific fur trade. ALF

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Lakewood: Wildfire or arson at Fort Steilacoom

discovery fail

Just as the FBI shoot themselves at the US-Mexico border and blame it on not enough border protection, if dry grass burns Homeland Insecurity will treat themselves to insanity and paranoia.

### ###

Komonews. Oct 5:

3 suspicious wildfires burn at Fort Steilacoom Park

LAKEWOOD, Wash. — Three wildfires sprang up at Fort Steilacoom Park on Friday afternoon, and investigators say all three are suspicious.

All three blazes were contained, said Hallie McCurdy with West Pierce Fire and Rescue.

Thirty firefighters from nine fire units responded to the scene.

Investigators said the timing and the proximity of the fires indicate possible arson.

They do not have a suspect, and the investigation is ongoing.

### ###

Fort Steilacoom was founded by the U.S. Army in 1849 near Lake Steilacoom. It was among the first military fortifications built by the U.S. north of the Columbia River in what was to become Washington. The fort was constructed due to civilian agitation about the massacre in 1847 at the Whitman mission.

Indians of the Nisqually tribe attacked white settlers in the area on October 29, 1855, as a result of their dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Medicine Creek that had been imposed on them the previous year, particularly angered that their assigned reservation curtailed the traditional fishing economy. The fort was headquarters for the U.S. 9th Infantry Regiment during this “Indian War” of 1855-56. In the course of the conflict, Volunteer U.S. Army Colonel Abraham Benton Moses was killed. At the conclusion of the war, Territorial Governor Isaac Stevens brought Chief Leschi of the Nisqually tribe to trial for the death of Moses during a skirmish at Connell’s Prairie on October 31, 1855.

Since the death had occurred in combat, the United States Army refused to carry out the sentence of death on the grounds of Fort Steilacoom, maintaining that he was a prisoner of war. The territorial legislature therefore passed a law authorizing Leschi’s execution at the hands of civilian authorities. On February 19, 1858, Leschi was hanged in what is today the city of Lakewood. He was exonerated in 2004.

Fort Steilacoom was decommissioned as a military post in 1868. In 1871 an insane asylum opened there, with the barracks serving as patient and staff housing. Fort Steilacoom is now the mental hospital called Western State Hospital.

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Whitman statue in DC

The Whitman massacre was the murder on November 29, 1847 of Oregon missionaries Dr. Marcus Whitman and his wife Narcissa, along with eleven others. They were killed by Cayuse and Umatilla Indians. The incident began the Cayuse War. It took place in present-day southeastern Washington state, near the town of Walla Walla, and was one of the most notorious episodes in the U.S. settlement of the Pacific Northwest. The event was the climax of several years of complex interaction between the Whitmans, who had led the first wagon train along the Oregon Trail, and the local Native Americans.

The killings are usually ascribed in part to a clash of cultures and in part to the inability of Dr. Whitman, a physician, to halt the spread of measles among the Native Americans, who then held Whitman responsible for subsequent deaths. The incident remains controversial to this day: the Whitmans are regarded by some as pioneer heroes; others see them as white settlers who attempted to impose their religion on the Native Americans and otherwise unjustly intrude, even allegedly poisoning the natives. {…}

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Seattle: Free University Fall 2012 Guide – Call for submissions

school colonization


Seattle Free University:

Free U Fall 2012 Guide – Call for submissions


Please send input, suggestions, critiques, hate mail, modifications, meetup locations, subjects, or whatever to

Although this website has been mainly facilitating activities based in Seattle, the call for contributions and the guide in development are part of a decentralized project and we are hoping to find ways to collaborate with folks at great distances, through dialogue, coordination, travels and whatever folks can come up with. Please share this call for contributions widely, including this clarification.

Also please email if you are willing to help print and/or distribute guides in booklet and/or poster form. Or just do it once the finalized version is published!

Guide will be completed, printed, and posted by October 15th, there is a deadline of October 10th for submissions. The deadline is only for the release of the first guide, there will be more in the future, which will provide updated maps and course listings based on peoples experiences.

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Vancouver BC: Fuck Restitution, Vancouver Solidarity Smashy Smash

(Fuck Starvation, Eat Now) Oct 4:

Fuck Restitution, Vancouver Solidarity Smashy Smash

Last Night Several windows of a CIBC were smashed.

This small attack was in solidarity with Anti- Capitalist comrades worldwide, Grand Jury Resisters, the silent ones, and Pax(Bryan Michael Wiedeman).

We are unstoppable. We are everywhere. The night will always be ours.

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Their Names on Every Wall

BC Blackout. Oct 3:

While we prepare for an incredible battle with large oil, gas and coal interests and all the forces of BC and Canada, we must never forget those who are already locked up or otherwise facing repression for rising with dignity against our common enemies. In the face of the ever-expanding technologies of exploitation and repression, we have our relationships of solidarity and our will to refuse collaboration and continue to attack the systems of social control. We encourage all anarchist revolutionaries and other rebels to learn about the freedom fighters inside. Find out whose actions and words relate to your own struggle. Send them encouraging letters, a little material support, or just allow your impulses inspired by their rebellion to create your own contributions toward the destruction of prisons and the world that needs them.

Free John Graham and Leonard PeltierNo one left behind

An Anarchist Prisoner List for Canada and the US

Grand Jury Defiance in the Pacific North West (US)

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Say Nothing: Grand Jury FOIA Documents

SayNothing.Info. Oct 2:

The Civil Liberties Defense Center ( filed a FOIA (Wikipedia) regarding the Grand Jury. They received a response, the documents to which are attached below. The cover letter states, “The federal judiciary is exempt from both the federal Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974.” Regardless, the respondent attached a copy of a summons the court sends to prospective grand jurors, a cover letter, the order directing the empanelment of the grand jury, a grand juror’s handbook, and a model of the directions given to grand jurors.

These documents appear to be similar to the ones we imagine were given to the grand jurors in this case, but they differ in at least one notable detail. One document refers to the duration of the grand jury as 18 months. This is true in the case of normal grand juries. The grand jury investigating the May Day attack on the federal courthouse is, however, a special grand jury with a 24 month duration.

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Washington Coast: Quinault tribe to decolonize IRS code

Intercontinental Cry. Oct 2:

As reported in the 23 September edition of The Daily World, Quinault Indian Nation — located on the central coast of Washington state — is leading the challenge against IRS rules that illegally seek to tax tribal cultural practices of sharing tribal wealth with members in need. Once known as potlatch, sharing as a communal cultural practice, along with singing and dancing, was outlawed by the U.S. Government between the 1880s and 1950s.

indigenous areas map of the “New World” in the book, “1491”

Viewed as a key way of destroying indigenous communities in Washington and British Columbia, both Canada and the US sentenced Indian offenders to prison. Now, in the 21st century, the U.S. Treasury Department has again set out to destroy Indian tribes by banning sharing through the coercive method of taxation. While this aggression by the IRS is in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution and international law, Treasury knows full well that taxing tribal wealth is one way of usurping tribal governance on reservations, and thus preventing tribes from taxing corporations that have long ripped them off, extracting resources on reservations without paying a fair share.

As a form of intimidation, this latest exercise of coercion by the IRS has instilled fear in many American Indian tribes; the refusal to be intimidated, demonstrated last week by the Quinault and the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians — an organization of 52 tribal governments — is a lesson in civic courage we should all applaud.

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Seattle: homeless shelters shut down in wake of end to free bus zones

Seattle Times. Sept 28:

Seattle homeless shelters shut down in wake of bus changes

Representatives of some 500 homeless people who stay in two tent cities and 16 shelters in the Seattle area — mostly churches — closed most of those facilities Friday until their demands for more free Metro bus tickets are met.

The tent cities that hold 200 homeless remain open, as does one shelter for homeless people with disabilities, according to the Seattle Housing and Resource Effort (SHARE), which runs them.

The group might not reopen the closed shelters until Dec. 17.

In a news release, the group said the closing of the downtown free bus-ride bus zone was “a punishing blow to poor and homeless people.” The group said that beginning Monday, it will get $50,000 worth of bus tickets from Metro, about a fifth of what it says it needs for the rest of the year.

SHARE said that by closing the shelters during the warmer weather now, it could use its allocated bus tickets during the cold winter weather.

Asked whether shutting down shelters would generate bad publicity, a SHARE spokesman, Jarvis Capucion, said, “I don’t think it can backfire publicitywise. We’re doing it out of necessity, not for publicity.”

On Friday afternoon, 150 to 200 of the homeless and their supporters marched from Westlake Park, then on the sidewalk along Third Avenue, south to the King County Courthouse.

The march ended near an encampment of about 20 tents that was scheduled to come down Friday night.

At first Tom Mullen, 55, thought the encampment would be a nice, sociable substitute for the Ballard shelter where he usually stays, and he said he was devastated when he learned it wouldn’t last.

Mullen, who has lived at shelters for more than a year after losing a maintenance job, said he needs to get downtown to apply for jobs and do research for others at the downtown Seattle Public Library.

Ben Kordash, who usually stays at a Woodland Park shelter, said he couldn’t comprehend why a lack of bus tickets led SHARE to close the shelters.

“This whole thing is counterproductive to the meaning of SHARE — keeping people off the streets,” Kordash said. “I can get the $2.50 to get there (the shelter) if I need to, and the church said they could still allow us to stay, but I guess if one is open they all have to be open.”

Not everyone understands that part of the agreement SHARE has with some shelters and their residential communities is that homeless people can’t remain near the shelter during the day, said Fox Bracken, 47. That’s one reason the bus passes are needed.

Bracken usually treks between downtown and the All Saints Episcopal Church shelter.

“We can’t hang out outside of the shelter during the day — we have to get our homeless butts out of the way,” Bracken said.

A news release issued Friday by King County said that “thanks to the generosity of King County residents, more than 95,000 subsidized bus tickets will be distributed” to various human-service agencies.

Under a program that many county households are unaware of, households that own cars can receive eight free bus tickets or donate them to the poor.

Motorists can request the tickets as their reward for paying the new $20 car-tab fee that began in May, a fee meant to avoid deep bus-service cuts.

But about 90 percent of the county’s households that own cars aren’t mailing back the form for the tickets, resulting in millions of unclaimed free rides.

There are 713,518 housing units in King County where residents own at least one vehicle, according to 2010 census data.

If each placed an order, the total number of tickets would reach 5.7 million a year.

Eight percent of county households that ordered car tabs as of August ordered tickets, and 2 percent donated, said Metro spokeswoman Rochelle Ogershok.

Capucion, 42, has been homeless for “three or four years” after quitting his San Diego job in insurance billing and collection because he said it wasn’t fulfilling. He said the group planned to camp out in front of the King County Administration Building until its demands for more free bus tickets are met.

And if the group is told to move from that site?

“Then we’re going to have to think of something else,” he said.

SHARE received almost $400,000 from the city of Seattle for shelter and winter-shelter operations. The organization’s contract requires the group to provide shelter services. If it doesn’t, the city isn’t required to pay, David Takami, spokesman for the city Human Services Department, said Friday.

Staff reporter Lynn Thompson contributed to this report.

Erik Lacitis: 206-464-2237 or

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Portland: Pax, After Facing 72 Felonies, Pleads to Three Felonies Oct 3:

Local Anarchist, After Facing 72 Felonies, Pleads to Three Felonies

We would like to say ‘thank you’ to all who have extended solidarity to Pax (Bryan Wiedeman) throughout this situation. We hope that similar solidarity will be displayed in other instances of repression–political repression as well as policing-as-usual that operates along class-based, racist and patriarchal lines.

Portland, Oregon — Bryan Michael Wiedeman accepted a plea deal on October 1st for three counts of criminal mischief in the first degree. Wiedeman was arrested on May 3 and was initially charged with 72 felonies — 36 counts of criminal mischief and 36 counts of conspiracy to commit criminal mischief. The non-cooperating plea deal Wiedeman accepted includes 5 years supervised probation, 20 days of weekend jail, 80 hours of community service, and $43084.59 restitution.

The discrepancy between the original charges and the anti-climactic outcome is evidence that the prosecution was politically motivated, says Kristian Williams, with the Committee Against Political Repression.

“The police don’t ordinarily kick down doors with guns drawn over simple vandalism,” says Williams, “and the attempt to inflate the case to felony conspiracy is pretty shameful. Clearly the whole affair was politically motivated.”

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Seasol: Pegasus Pizza Pays Up

Seattle Solidarity. Oct 3:

Pegasus Pizza Pays Up

Luis and SeaSol have won our second fight against Pegasus Pizza. A few months after our last encounter, Luis was fired for being a few minutes late due to delays in his Metro commute (something that happens to other workers all the time without reprisals). Recognizing this as blatant retaliation for fighting back on the job with us last winter, we demanded that Pegasus Pizza either give Luis his job back or pay him for the two weeks of wages he lost while he was out of work (approximately $600). More background on this fight and the real reasons for Luis’s firing can be found here.

When we started to pass out leaflets in front of their door, many West Seattle locals were not surprised to hear about Ted or Sarah’s exploitative behavior. We heard many stories of people’s friends, family and neighbors having their time sheets tampered with, wages docked and stolen outright in the past. We also received numerous phone calls and emails from former employees that confirmed that Pegasus has been routinely stealing workers’ wages for years. We began to compile these stories into a public blog that the General Manager of Pegasus, Sarah, told us herself was very damaging to their reputation. The owner, Ted, responded by coming into Luis’s workplace and threatening his life. Sarah on the other hand responded with a short press release that claimed they had time sheets proving Luis’s tardiness. We wondered how seriously we were supposed to take these time sheets, after hearing multiple stories about management routinely editing them for their own benefit.

After we started picketing and shutting down a few lunch and dinner rushes, management apparently had enough. They requested a sit-down meeting during which Sarah admitted she had become “irresponsible” with her payroll. After trying and failing to get Luis to sign some sort of legal agreement, she had another manager run and get two money orders made out to Luis for a total of $600. About this fight, Luis says he is “very happy. Really, I think if there had not been SeaSol I would not have been able to do anything. We have one more victory. We’ve beaten some bad people [Ted & Sarah] that treat immigrants very badly. With SeaSol I’ve learned to help people, and that if we wait, nothing will change.”

We hope that Ted and Sarah have learned their lesson and clean up their act before another worker who has been trampled by Pegasus decides it is time to fight back with our help.

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Say Nothing: Matt Duran – Grand Jury prisoner – moved to General Population

Say Nothing. Oct 3:

Matt moved to general population

from CAPR:

We found out today that Matt has been moved from the Secure Communication Housing Unit (solitary) to general population. Now he will be able to socialize with other inmates, play chess, make phone calls, and hopefully have access to more books. He says he has received a ton of letters. Let’s keep them coming, and remember to send lots of letters to KteeO as well!


link: How to Write Your First Letter to Someone in Prison


Matthew Kyle Duran #42565-086
FDC SeaTac,
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

Katherine Olejnik #42592-086
FDC SeaTac,
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

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Seattle: archives – Seattle Group Bulletins #1-60 (1965 – 1971) now online

A-Infos. Oct 1:

(en) US, Seattle Group Bulletins #1-60 now online

Date Mon, 01 Oct 2012 22:46:08 +0200

The Seattle Group Bulletins were published between 1965 & 1971 & all 60 are now online & fully searchable. —- The Seattle Group also published a few pamphlets for their ongoing study groups, two of which are also currently reproduced, with others to follow. —- The anarchist “movement” at this time was extremely small & probably consisted of the handful or two of anarchists revolving around the Seattle Group. —- The importance of a few individuals…as they planted the seeds for the burgeoning movement in Seattle today…

A – I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
Send news reports to A-infos-en mailing list

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No Repression: In Regards to Snitchjacketing

No Repression. Oct 2:

Snitch Jacketing is a term originally used to describe an FBI tactic for sowing divisions within a target group through spreading suspicion of an informant. It has been used as an interrogation technique as well, feeding the target false information that other subjects have snitched in order to break their resolve.

Even worse than the police employing this technique to break up communities is when communities use this technique themselves when speculating about those involved with a state investigation.

In regards to the Grand Jury investigation in the Pacific Northwest, CAPR is assuming the best intentions of those who have been subpoenaed. In the event that someone does co-operate it will become evident in the resulting grand jury transcripts, records of those indicted (if there are indictments), and in the upcoming FOIA requests that we are committed to obtaining and publishing. Each of the subpeanuts has decided to take a different approach in resisting the Grand Jury. Each technique has allowed for varying degrees of transparency.

We are assuming that there will not be co-operation with the investigation and we are asking the same of the larger radical community. We are asking that you consider the
implications of the things you say about those who have been subpoenaed before speaking speculations about others.

If you have questions about this process or would like to contribute in some way please contact us.

The Committee Against Political Repression

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Seattle: October Readings – Crack Capitalism Parts I & II

SeattleAnarchistStudyGroup. Oct 3:

Hey Folks,

This month we’re reading “Crack Capitalism” by John Holloway.  Follow this link to access the first part for next week – and in the mean time get yourself a copy for the subsequent readings.

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Vancouver BC: a reflection on Woodsquat, Woodward, Gentrification in the Downtown East Side

The Dominion. Oct 3:

The Cornerstone of Gentrification in the Downtown East Side

From the Woodward squat ten years ago, to a displaced neighbourhood

by Isaac Oommen, Photos by Murray Bush – Flux Photo

VANCOUVER—Towering 43 storeys at the corner of Abbott and Hastings Streets, in the poorest neighbourhood in Vancouver—the Downtown East Side (DTES)—sits the new Woodwards.

The $400 million project, launched by the City of Vancouver, is a mixture of market and social housing, commercial stores, offices, a public atrium, part of Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) downtown campus and a community space. It takes up three quarters of the block, or 1,222,230 square feet.

The block looked very different on September 14, 2002, when a number of people from the DTES and their allies occupied the then-abandoned Woodwards department store in a bid to have the site made into social housing.

“There was gentrification happening all around the world and we saw it coming,” said Shawn Millar, who broke into the Woodwards building with around 60 other people to begin the occupation. “The saying was, ‘As Woodwards goes, so goes the neighbourhood.’”

On September 21, police arrested 54 squatters and sealed the building, only to see them return the next day and set up a tent city on the sidewalk. Their numbers swelled to 150 as homeless people and their allies set up camp.

Police later arrested tenters and City workers disposed of their belongings in garbage trucks. The City promised temporary housing for squatters, as well as room in the future Woodwards social housing project.

According to Carnegie Community Action Project (CCAP, an organization that advocates on DTES housing, income and land issues), co-ordinator Jean Swanson, there was no mention at that time of having condominiums at the site.

“At the last minute developers put in two condo towers,” said Swanson. “They said the rich needed to be there in order to make the project pay. Instead the area around Woodwards became a zone of exclusion.”

“Thirty per cent of the Woodwards is social housing, but only 15 per cent is actual welfare-rate social housing that were part of the original demands,” said Ivan Drury, a researcher for CCAP. “A good part of the project is supportive social housing, which is not in accordance with the Residential Tenancy Act and so can be run with immunity.”

Commercial space in Woodwards was offered a ten-year tax break as an encouragement to set up in the neighbourhood, which was deemed to be a high-crime area. Shops such as Nester’s Market and London Drugs changed the space by policing it with private security.

“[When you go in there] you’re treated like a thief,” said Millar. “They have a sign: ‘Where The Community Shops.’ It’s not where the community shops. The community is not welcome there.”

The September 15 sixth annual Women’s Housing March, organized by the DTES-based Power of Women group, called out many high-end cafes and other shops that are now taking over the DTES for making the neighbourhood unwelcome to low-income people. This pattern of gentrification began with the stores situated in Woodwards.

In September 2010, SFU moved its School for Contemporary Arts from its Burnaby campus to Woodwards, into what became the Goldcorp Centre for the Arts.

“We were concerned about the naming of the building because it’s alleged that Goldcorp mining in Latin America is pursuing an environmentally and socially destructive policy,” said Dr. Ian Angus, a Professor of Humanities at SFU who was part of a faculty group that took these concerns to the university president. “Naming the school this way connects SFU to corporate practices that have come under widespread criticism.”

Despite student protests that called for an end to the association between SFU and the mining company, SFU has yet to address concerns about Goldcorp’s $10 million donation to the university.

After the City of Vancouver paid $50 million of the $70 million price tag on the Centre for the Arts, SFU was left to raise the rest through private donations. Half of Goldcorp’s donation went towards paying for the construction of the Centre, while the rest was earmarked for cultural programs. SFU Woodwards hosts events and talks as part of its community mandate.

“It’s disgusting because Goldcorp has demonstrated itself to be abusive,” said Christopher Pavsek, Assistant Professor of Film with the School for Contemporary Arts. “It puts to lie anything SFU has said about caring about human rights.”

Woodwards developers’ major concession with regard to the DTES neighbourhood, other than fractional social housing, was a community space. A call was put to community groups to to create this space. Of four main groups that attended these consultations, three pulled out and left just one to take the space. The group, known at the time as Creative Technology, became W2 Community Media Arts.

“The place was designed to fool,” said Jim Carrico, who represented one of the many smaller organizations making up the community groups involved with the consultations. “The whole building was designed to not have real mixing. It was built into the architecture. For us, the main floor was off-limits. We were given a smaller space. It was not about helping the groups involved. [The groups] had to come up with the money to finish the space.”

As a result of this perceived exclusion, Carrico left the consultations.

W2 has burgeoned into a number of projects including a cafe, meeting space, arts society and radio show on Co-op Radio. It has also become a controversial space because of its existence in the DTES.

“We had fundraising events to keep W2 running,” said Donna Chen, the organization’s former Volunteer Co-ordinator. “We had majority middle-class white males partying in the DTES. How much is this befitting of W2’s mission and mandate?”

Strategies like this have had repercussions from the DTES community.

“I don’t trust [W2’s] motives,” said Lyn Highway, who has worked with a number of social services organizations in the DTES. “I still to this day boycott them. They’re in the cornerstone of gentrification in the DTES…They’re so eager and willing to participate in that and be at the forefront of its community acceptance.”

Ten years after the squat, the Woodwards building has lived up to its promise of mixing in a different way. It combines housing, commercial space and education, under the guise of community benefit via social housing and a media space.

“What we really need is for the social housing programs to be restored,” said Swanson. “We need self-contained housing with enough space to think that is resident-controlled. The City needs to slow down gentrification and stop pushing low-income people out of the DTES.”

First Vancouver cop on the scene, about one hour after community activists used ladders to climb onto the boarded-up Woodwards building.
Ivan Drury (then with the Anti-Poverty Committee) addresses the crowd.
Campers took to the sidewalk after Vancouver Police shut down the occupation inside.
On the parapet.
Outrage at public moneys being used for the highway to Whistler for the 2010 Olympics.
Tents arrived, and stayed for three months, after the arrests inside the building.
The original Woodwards dept. store tower.

Isaac K. Oommen is a freelance journalist and academic researcher based in the Unceded Coast Salish Territories. Murray Bush is a Vancouver-based photographer and regular contributor to the Vancouver Media Co-op.

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Seattle Stranger: “Seventeen Days and Counting…” — Matt Duran

… here is “Immunity”. the airport prison in Seatac WA.

Stranger. Sept 30:

That’s how long Olympia resident Matt Duran has been held at the SeaTac Federal Detention Center for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury, ostensibly about political or social acquaintances who may have had something to do with the political vandalism on May Day.

At least three people have appeared before the grand jury after a series of raids and subpoenas issued in July. The warrants for the raids listed black clothes, sticks, paint, notebooks, and “anti-government or anarchist literature or material” among the items to search for.

Two of the three—Matt Duran and Katherine “KteeO” Olejnik—are currently imprisoned at the SeaTac FDC for refusing to cooperate. The third, Leah-Lynn Plante, who prosecutors admit was not in Seattle on May Day, remains free.

Duran had a hearing last week. Some eyewitness details

… Matt’s lawyer took the floor to explain Matt’s current conditions and intentions. Here is an abridged and bullet-point list of issues and information brought up by Matt’s lawyer in court —

Matt is in Solitary Confinement (the Secure Housing Unit) which means …
+ he has very little access to phone
+ he has been denied the ability to initiate contact with attorney
+ he has been denied visitor request forms
+ he has been denied vegan food (has access to vegetarian options and commissary items)
+ he has no way of socializing within the prison
+ he has no access to sunlight, fresh air or an untinted window to the outdoors

Even under these conditions, Matt has no intention of changing his mind or strategy. Matt’s lawyer explained that Matt will be at peace no matter where he is within the prison. She said that he would like to socialize and play chess with other inmates, but is content where he is. He has a clock radio and a couple of romance novels the prison gave him upon arrival.

The local chapter of the National Lawyers Guild has urged the FBI and US Attorney Jenny Durkan to drop the subpoenas, arguing:

While grand juries are part of our federal criminal justice system, the grand jury was intended to serve as a protector of people’s rights and should not be used as a mechanism for intimidating those who speak out against social and economic injustice in our society. “Movements and individuals working for social change in the United States have historically been at the receiving end of grand juries being used to harass political activism,” said Neil Kelley, an officer of the Seattle NLG.

Throughout the process, Emily Langlie from the US Attorney’s office has reiterated: “We do not prosecute people for their political beliefs.”

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Cherry Point: proposed coal-terminal through Lummi fishing area, burial site, wetlands, sinkholes

Bellingham Herald. Sept 21:

Lummi Nation leaders come out against Gateway Pacific coal terminal project

Leaders of the Lummi Nation made it clear they are opposing the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal project and that it’s time to work together to protect the natural and cultural heritage of the Cherry Point area.

On Friday, Sept. 21, Lummi leaders organized a ceremony on a beach near the site of the proposed project. Along with prayers, story-telling, songs and speeches, a large mock check was ceremoniously placed over a fire, making the point that no amount of money would change their minds.

“This is the home of the ancient ones, and it is up to us to protect Mother Earth,” said Lummi Hereditary Chief Bill James Tsilixw. “We have to protect it for future generations.”

During the ceremony, Lummi leaders brought up several concerns about the potential development of the coal and bulk cargo shipping terminal, including the idea of having their ancestors’ burial sites remaining undisturbed. It was brought up several times during the ceremony that this spirituality is an important part of their cultural heritage.



Lummi leaders also spoke of the need to protect the area for fishing. In a news release along with the ceremony, they said the water is an important shellfish, herring, and salmon fishery area, a reef-net site, and is associated with the creation story of the Lummi people and the First Salmon Ceremony. It was also an entryway from inland routes to the islands in the original homeland territory of the Lummi people.

Three people representing project developer SSA Marine, including Craig Cole, attended the ceremony. Bob Watters, senior vice president, issued a written statement after the event.

“SSA Marine takes its relationship with Lummi very seriously. Over the last year we have worked with Lummi representatives to understand their concerns and needs and make sure the project both respects and meets those concerns and needs,” Watters said. “We understand how important their cultural values are to Lummi. The Lummi have communicated to us the particular importance of Xwe’ chi’ eXen (the Lummi name for Cherry Point) and of having their ancestors rest in peace. We respect those values and will work with Lummi to realize them.”

During the ceremony Lummi leaders also expressed concern about coal being shipped out through the terminal, saying that the dust would create environmental damage. Concern was also expressed that America’s resources are being shipped overseas, and there is a need to work with other tribes and groups to ensure that it not only doesn’t happen at Cherry Point but anywhere else, said Lummi Nation Chairman Cliff Cultee.

“We’re going to have to work together as tribes to be united,” Cultee said. “Communication is the key, and I’m looking forward to that communication.”

More than 100 people attended the ceremony, including those not a part of the tribe but against the terminal project. Paul Anderson presented the Lummi Nation with a gift, a large photograph of the area, during the ceremony.

“I think it’s huge that the Lummis have come out against this thing,” said Anderson, referring to the Gateway Pacific Terminal project. “SSA Marine can spend all the money they want, but when you have the Lummi Nation come out against the project, it changes the game.”

Lummi Nation doesn’t appear to have legal standing to directly block the project, but its concerns will be included in the various processes before SSA Marine can get any permits to build the terminal.

In its written response, SSA Marine addressed the other concerns brought up at the ceremony, including how it is working with the Lummi fishers to avoid impacts on that industry. Watters said in the statement that it is also taking “special precautions” to protect cultural resources on the Gateway Pacific Terminal property. This includes restricting public access while ensuring long-term access for Lummi members to cultural resources for ceremonial purposes.


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Eugene: Seneca Jones Billboard Occupation

Cascadia Forest Defense. Sept 26:

9/26 This afternoon members of Cascadia Forest Defenders occupied a billboard outside of the West Eugene Seneca Sawmill with a banner that read, “SENECA JONES: BAILOUTS, CLEARCUTS, & POLLUTING WEST EUGENE”.

Seneca Biomass is a wood burning power plant in West Eugene that opened in the spring of 2011 amid public protest. Though the project has been marketed as “green energy”, Seneca Biomass failed its first EPA air pollution test last fall. The plant releases an estimated 17,900 pounds of air toxins into West Eugene Neighborhoods annually—this in addition to the 73,000 pounds already released annually from the mill itself. There are three schools within three miles of the Seneca Biomass facility.

While there are many industrial polluters in West Eugene, it so happens that Seneca Jones receives public funding for its dirty energy project. Seneca currently receives 10 million dollars in tax credits from the state of Oregon under the Business Energy Tax Credit Program. Seneca is now suing the state for an additional one million to offset the production costs of their new plant.

“They get paid, we get polluted,” says West Eugene resident and Cascadia Forest Defender Grace Warner. “It would be nice if the state would give that 11 million to helping schools– not to polluting them.”

Seneca is also responsible for much of the clear-cut logging in Oregon public forests. Seneca is one of the top three purchasers of timber sales in the Elliott State Forest, where companies clear-cut up to 850 acres every year. While the State Land Board justifies the destruction of Oregon’s last remnants of coastal temperate rainforest to benefit public schools, logging in the Elliott contributes to less than one percent of the State’s annual school budget.

Oregon can do better. We demand that Seneca:

  1. Stop polluting West Eugene.
  2. Stop clear-cutting Oregon’s ancient forests.
  3. Start paying taxes like the rest of us.
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KTeeO imprisoned for refusing to cooperate with grand jury

SayNothing.Info. Sept 27:

Free KTeeO

KTeeO was arrested at a grand jury session earlier today. She had been quiet about her intentions to resist the grand jury, but now that she has been incarcerated, a statement she wrote is forthcoming. It will be posted here when it is available.

Two people are imprisoned for their silence. Let their silence reverberate: attack! Make the State regret ever issuing a single subpoena. Let our comrades in Secure Communications Housing Units know that, by stealing their freedom away, the State has only motivated us all the more to destroy everything it has and is.

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Portland Action Lab: November 3rd action against Austerity

Portland Action Lab:

This a new flyer that the Portland Action-Lab made for the action November 3rd against Austerity, please share it as far as you can! :)

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Portland: Cadillac-Hummer dealership vandalized

Corporate Media. Sept 26:

Vandals target Portland car dealership

A vandal caused thousands of dollars in damage to cars at a Portland car dealership.

According to police, they received a report at 1:08 a.m. on Wednesday of a person spraying water onto new cars at the Vic Alfonso Cadillac-Hummer dealership, located on NE 12th Avenue.

The 911 caller reported seeing a man walking northbound on 11th Avenue, using what was described as a yellow and red toy pump-action spray gun, officers said.

Police later learned that the liquid sprayed on the vehicles was actually some sort of corrosive agent and that it had damaged the paint on five new Cadillacs in the rear parking lot of the dealership, detectives said.

… The initial estimate from the dealership on damage exceeds $10,000

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Northwest grain terminal managers prepare for epic showdown with longshoremen

Maersk global

Oregonian. Sept 25:

Northwest grain terminal managers prepare for epic showdown with longshoremen

With a contract expiring in five days, managers of Northwest grain terminals are preparing for a showdown with longshoremen that could far eclipse this summer’s turmoil at the Port of Portland.

Half of the nation’s wheat exports flow through Portland and Puget Sound ports. To keep shipments moving, managers of four Portland-area terminals and two near Seattle are hiring security forces and making arrangements with nonunion labor in anticipation of locking out striking longshoremen, according to the Columbia River Steamship Operators Association and other sources.

“I’d anticipate nothing will move with union workers,” if negotiators fail to agree, said Jim Townley, the association’s executive director.

Longshoremen won’t talk, but a leaked memo reveals dissension in their ranks.

Neither side will say how the talks are going, but with the current contract expiring Sunday, pressure is building. Even so, judging by the issues, the two sides could be far apart.

Terminal operators want to model the next contract on one struck earlier this year at Export Grain Terminal in Longview, Wash., that cut costs and boosted efficiency at the expense of longshoremen’s working conditions. That agreement came only after weeks of protests in which  demonstrators stormed the terminal, assaulted a guard, damaged rail cars and spilled grain.

Terminal managers hope to avoid that kind of violence this time but say they need equivalent working conditions to stay competitive with EGT and other terminals. They’re also taking steps to move ahead without the longshoremen, determined to keep wheat, corn and soybeans moving, according to the steamship association.

But some vocal members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union are furious over the concessions at EGT and unlikely to fall in line.

A June memo signed by 10 current and retired longshoremen sharply criticizes the EGT contract and challenges ILWU President Robert McEllrath and Coast Committeeman Leal Sundet.

The union dissidents object to allowing EGT to hire longshoremen directly — bypassing the union hiring hall that traditionally dispatches workers — and to fire any worker without cause. They also criticize the EGT contract for allowing employers to bring in non-union workers — scabs, in union terms — when work stops during disagreements between labor and management. And they complain that members of Longview Local 21 weren’t allowed to vote on the contract.

“It heads our union in the wrong direction at the wrong time,” says the statement, leaked this month, “caving in to employer intimidation and greed just before we begin the Northwest Grain Handlers’ contract negotiations.”

Farmers across the Northwest and Midwest, meanwhile, nervously await the outcome of the talks, which involve terminals that handle about a quarter of U.S. grain exports, including wheat, corn and soybeans. With the talks coming near the peak of the harvest season, a stoppage would back up grain at farms and county elevators extending to the Dakotas and beyond.

About 2,300 longshoremen in four locals are eligible to work at the six terminals, making an average $98,000 a year, according to the Pacific Maritime Association, an organization that represents West Coast employers but not the grain handlers.

Across the bargaining table from leaders of the ILWU, a powerful West Coast union with more than 42,000 members,  sit representatives of Columbia Grain International Inc., Temco, Louis Dreyfus Commodities Inc. and United Grain Corp.

In Portland, Columbia Grain’s terminal is in the Rivergate Industrial Park at the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette rivers. The Louis Dreyfus terminal sits north of the Steel Bridge on the Willamette’s east bank. Temco’s terminal is between the Fremont and Broadway bridges on the east side of the Willamette. In Vancouver, the United Grain terminal is on the Columbia River west of downtown.

Those terminals are entirely separate from the Port of Portland’s Terminal 6, a North Portland cargo hub where a dispute between longshoremen and electricians over work on refrigerated containers clogged cargo this summer.

Terminal 6 handles shipping containers, not grain, and longshoremen are hired there by the Port’s terminal operator, ICTSI Oregon Inc., not the grain handlers. In that case, the National Labor Relations Board awarded the disputed jobs to the electricians after months of turmoil in which cargo ships bypassed Portland. Now, lawyers for the labor board are asking a federal judge to rule the longshore union in contempt of court for allegedly violating an injunction.

If the separate grain talks fail to produce a contract, river pilots plan to continue steering massive vessels in and out of port as long as their own safety, and that of the public, isn’t threatened. Coast Guard officials plan to ensure river safety and to keep commerce flowing.

“If there are indications that protests may occur on the water, the Coast Guard will be on the water to ensure safety of all users of the navigable waterway,” public affairs Petty Officer Nathan Littlejohn wrote in an email responding to questions.

Sgt. Peter Simpson, Portland Police Bureau spokesman, said commanders have discussed the strike potential with Port of Portland officials, who had no comment.

“My understanding is that private security and Port police will be the lead public safety on strike-related issues unless they spill into the streets,” Simpson said. Police have no firm plans to be out in force, he said, unless there are calls for service.

A longshore union spokewoman did not respond to requests for comment Monday and Tuesday. Representatives of the Pacific Northwest Grain Handlers Association, which represents the terminals, also had no comment on the talks. But Pat McCormick, a spokesman for the association, said managers’ strong preference is to reach agreement.

“No final decision has been made on what we intend to do if we are unable to reach agreement by the Sept. 30 expiration date,” McCormick said via email. “The Grain Handlers Association can confirm that a security firm has been retained, which is part of a standard contingency plan to prepare for any eventuality.”

Union Pacific railroad’s chief spokesman said his company was monitoring the situation closely. A spokesman for BNSF Railway could not be reached.

At the Port of Vancouver, which handles about 16 percent of the nation’s grain exports, spokeswoman Katie Odem said managers’ first priority is to ensure safety for staff, tenants, customers and dockworkers.

“Our second priority is to make sure our property is protected,” Odem said. “And our third priority is to keep the port open for business.”

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“Everyone will need to have a solidarity network” – a Seasol video

YouTube. Sept 28:

A mutual support network, open to workers both employed and unemployed, active and retired. We use collective direct action to fight employers and landlords who are pocketing our wages, refusing repairs, stealing deposits, or otherwise cheating or abusing one or more of us.

How to get in touch:
(206) 350 – 8650

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Volksfront Takes Down Website, Proclaims Organization’s “Dissolution” in the United States

Rose City Antifascists. Sept 26:


Volksfront, the white supremacist group which was for many years the dominant neo-Nazi organization in Oregon, and which grew to be a nationwide and then international presence in the bonehead (white power “skinhead”) scene, has now disbanded its presence in the US, according to an online post. The organization’s former website at has also disappeared from the web.

On September 7, 2012, a Wikipedia entry by user “Vfusa” added the following passage to the “Volksfront” page:

“Volksfront in the United States announced their dissolution in August 2012 via their website (site no longer valid). Citing illegal harassment and investigations by the Government they announced the organization was disbanding. Their website, blog, Facebook page, and emails have since been closed.”

The announced dissolution of Volksfront in the US occurs after white power musician Wade Michael Page opened fire at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek, WI on August 5 of this year. Page murdered six members of the religious community and wounded others before committing suicide with his own gun. While Page was formally affiliated with the Hammerskin Nation and not Volksfront at the time of the massacre, media attention also brought Volksfront into the spotlight. While some media coverage incorrectly portrayed Page as a full Volksfront member, Volksfront’s attempt to cast itself as a group that “publicly reject[s] violence as a political tool and as morally objectionable” in the aftermath of Page’s murders was deeply unconvincing, given the organization’s long history of violence. Wade Page’s ex-girlfriend, Misty Cook, was at one time a close supporter of Volksfront, before switching to circles surrounding the Hammerskin Nation, which Page eventually joined. Rose City Antifascists pointed to some connections between Wade Page and Volksfront in our article following the Sikh Temple murders.

As stated by “Vfusa” on Wikipedia, increased government attention appears to be the primary reason behind the announced dissolution of Volksfront in the USA. Online notices regarding the September 1-3 2012 “Althing” gathering for Volksfront in North America reported that the gathering would be “closed to anyone that we do not personally know” following Page’s murders and media attention pointed towards Volksfront. Now that Volksfront in the US has dissolved, the future of Volksfront chapters overseas is unclear over the short- and long-terms.

Rose City Antifa has continuously opposed Volksfront since the beginning of our organization. Indeed, our group formed out of community efforts to oppose a joint Hammerskin Nation/Volksfront International event in Portland during 2007. Since it formed, Rose City Antifa has spent much time monitoring and opposing Volksfront–an organization born in the Oregon prison system and which for many years considered Portland as its stronghold. Some accounts of Volksfront co-founder and President Randal Lee Krager’s departure from Portland during 2008 cite increased anti-racist efforts as helping to make Krager feel increasingly unwelcome in our city. Our organization has also broken major stories about Volksfront, such as about Krager working as a contractor in the Middle East. Most recently, our organization succeeded in its campaign to have Volksfront member Nicholas Cheshire fired from his place of work in August of this year.

Rose City Antifa believe that the announced dissolution of Volksfront should be treated with some caution: Volksfront has auto-dissolved once before, in 1998, when members of Volksfront in Portland including Krager were under increased police scrutiny and decided to take apart Volksfront as an above-ground organization. Volksfront then publicly resurfaced in 2001 after three years underground. Randal Krager also made a December 2004 announcement that he had given up leadership of the organization, but was soon enough back as the head of Volksfront. The latest Volksfront announcement may therefore mainly be made out of political convenience. It is possible that key Volksfront activists will continue to work as an underground network, as there is precedent for this in the organization’s history. Rose City Antifascists therefore stress that anyone with information on former Volksfront members as well as regarding other bonehead activity should continue to contact our organization. If Volksfront is indeed fully defunct in the US, Rose City Antifa are especially interested to see what bonehead groupings will attempt to assert themselves in Portland. Even with Volksfront completely closed down, clusters of ex-members could initiate considerable violence. While we wait to see how this situation will develop, we remain watchful and prepare for the challenges of the future.

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FOIA about Grand Jury reveals it was impaneled on March 2, 2012 Sept 25:

This is a very interesting little fact, but it would be more interesting to see the complete FOIA results. They will be posted here if they become available.

from Say Nothing

The Civil Liberties Defense Center is based in Eugene and filed a Freedom of Information Act request about the grand jury, releasing this information.

#### ### Sept 26:

Grand Jury Investigation Targeting Anarchists Dates Back to March 2nd

From Portland Radicle

New information has emerged about the grand jury targeting Pacific Northwest anarchists. Documents provided to Eugene, Oregon’s Civil Liberties Defense Center (CLDC) indicate that the grand jury, which many had guessed had been convened as a result of May Day protests in Seattle this year, actually began on March 2. This would suggest that the scope of the grand jury is larger than previously thought.

In an e-mail obtained by The Portland Radicle, the federal district court which issued subpoenas that resulted in military-style raids and seizures of property in Portland empaneled the grand jury on March 2, 2012. The raids and subpoenas did not occur until July 25.

“There’s some form of investigation that’s larger in scope than simply May Day vandalism. What the true nature of that investigation is, we don’t know,” said Lauren Regan, the executive director of the CLDC.

After the raids, the only comment given by the FBI is that the raids were part of an “ongoing violent crime” investigation. Federal agents seized electronics, clothing and political literature. A copy of a search warrant shared with The Portland Mercury showed that the federal warrants were in connection to crimes such as conspiracy to destroy government property, interstate travel with intent to riot and conspiracy to travel interstate with intent to riot. No affidavits or other any other documents have been made public by the government thus far.

Regan said the government will mislead the public while in pursuit of information.

“It is very common for the federal government to put out information that they want the general public to know either because it’s a red herring, a smokescreen for what they’re actually doing, or they want to hit the hive and watch the buzz,” she said. “Sometimes the government will intentionally set a trap. They’ll hold up their left hand and say ‘Look over here! This is what we’re investigating.’ Meanwhile, they’re holding up their right hand saying ‘Haha, this is what we’re really going after.’ The feds are sitting back collecting information that we’re not aware they’re collecting, then that can almost entrap people in other, different federal crimes.”

Regan said that one purpose of casting such a wide net is to map political movements using broad surveillance.

“In a lot of these grand juries that we’re seeing recently, one of the big things that they’re doing is they will contact someone and they will watch who that person goes to talk to, whose house they go to, what phone numbers they dial.”

Regan noted that, unlike the applicable rules for a normal jury trial, hearsay, for example, can be used by prosecutors before a grand jury. People targeted by the grand jury must usually withdraw from ongoing projects or be watchful of their public statements.

“There’s a reason grand juries are usually characterized as witch-hunts. They can start off investigating one thing and they can end up tapped into nine other things, in particular because grand jurors themselves can inquire into other areas of investigation. There’s no telling the full breadth of what a grand jury could investigate,” Regan said.

For this reason, Regan said it’s unwise for communities targeted by a grand jury to openly speculate as to what it is investigating.

“One of the worst things that activists can do under these circumstances is to sit around and speculate as to what the real investigation might be, because the government loves it when we do their work for them,” Regan said.

Regan said that the federal government was largely successful in targeting radical environmentalists around the nation with their Operation Backfire investigations, which led to the capture and prosecution of numerous individuals involved with property destruction in defiance of deforestation or fur-farming, an ongoing period generally referred to as “The Green Scare.” Numerous activists informed on one another or were scared into taking plea deals and, Regan said, it emboldens the government to try the same tactics until they’re proven ineffective.

“I think that we’re seeing repetitious investigations of the same types of things, quote-unquote ‘anarchists, socialists, communists, environmentalists, terrorists.’ They’re all being thrown into one pot at this point. The government is using broad and ambiguous definitions to try to target those political movements and philosophies,” Regan said.

Referring to the U.S. government’s 1960s and 70s Counterintelligence Program, which FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover ordered to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” civil rights and numerous radical political movements, Regan said, “We only have to look back at the COINTELPRO era to recall that the government is not really focused on investigating and solving crimes in order to make the public safer. When they’re going after political groups like this, the goal is to scare people into submission, they want to scare people away from being active. That’s their primary goal.”

Regan said that to resist a grand jury, people should not be intimidated.

“The most effective way to counteract that is to do the opposite; not be scared into submission and not disassociate yourself from people based on their political beliefs,” she said.

When asked if the proceedings were “Kafkaesque,” Regan laughed.

“If I started using that word, I’d probably be using it every single day,” she said.

The CLDC will be posting digital copies of the documents they obtained on their website.

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New Facebook page warns Tacoma residents to ‘stop snitching’

KomoNews. Sept 26:

New Facebook page warns Tacoma residents to ‘stop snitching’

CLICK for video.

TACOMA, Wash. — A new Facebook page dedicated to “outing snitches” is stirring controversy in Tacoma.

Police are keeping tabs on the page in case it sparks new rounds of retaliation or scares people from coming forward to speak out about crimes.

Investigators say it often takes an informant to solve the major cases involving gangs or organized crime. But thanks to a new Facebook page, the people who “snitch” on criminals will pay a price on social media.

The page is called Tacoma Snitches and it already has more than 6,800 likes. The site is filled with photos of so-called “snitches,” or people who have cooperated with law enforcement.

Tacoma residents Alan Jackson and Ramon Rogers say some neighbors won’t cooperate with criminal investigations because they don’t trust the police.

“Why would I call the cops and report something’s happening in my neighborhood when me and the people in my neighborhood can handle it ourselves, depending on what it is,” Jackson said.

Some worry Tacoma Snitches will only reinforce the attitude that makes some people unwilling to help investigators.

“I don’t really get involved with the police,” said Rashid Jabbar. “I really have no reason to call them. I don’t think I’ve ever called the police on nobody.”

Police and prosecutors are monitoring the page and say everything there is already available through media reports and court documents.

“It appears to be public information — mindless chatter — but if it escalates to genuine threats, then we’d be looking to prosecute,” said Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist.

The big concern is that people who appear on the site may become targets of retaliation, even though the information may not be accurate.

“Somebody could put somebody else’s picture up on there just because they don’t like them, and they trying to say something and get something started,” Rogers said.

Lindquist said he and his team are watching to make sure that doesn’t happen.

“If it escalates to a point where it’s criminal, we absolutely will prosecute it, because we take the safety of our witnesses, and the integrity of the justice system very seriously,” he said.

Site administrators at Tacoma Snitches didn’t respond to a request for comment on the story.

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Seattle: Noise Demo For Six Escapees And Other Prisoners Sept 26:

On the evening of September 25th, a group of over thirty people assembled in front of the King County Juvenile Detention Center on 12th Ave. They began making noise with whistle, pots, and drums so that everyone inside the jail could hear them.

Less than a week earlier, six young men had escaped from a different facility in Snohomish County. Unfortunately, they were captured and sent to the King County facility, a place the authorities believe is harder to escape from. The noise demo was called after it was learned the escapees were being transferred.

People stood outside the southern wall of the jail for a little over an hour. A few encouraging speeches were given over a megaphone and the prisoners banged on their windows, showing their excitement. There were many new faces at the demo, all in full support of the young men trapped inside.

While the forces aligned against us may be strong, we have comrades across the entire planet and as we watch the thousands of people fighting in the streets of Athens and Madrid, we take heart and encouragement from all we see and learn.

Let us never forget our place in the international struggle against capitalism or the value of even the smallest of our actions. Let our actions be great. Never stop.

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Noise demo at Kordiallos Prison, Greece:

VIDEO0005 from fylakes on Vimeo.

Since September 13th, 2012 inmates in Greek prisons carry out yet another mass mobilization, which concerns legal regulations as well as the living conditions within the hellholes. Resistance includes prison food abstention and other forms of protest. In some facilities prisoners are in total strike, abstaining from day’s wages, while they conduct partial labour strike in others. In addition, in certain prisons the inmates’ participation in the mobilization is universal, whereas partial in others.

On Sunday evening, September 23rd – shortly after the solidarity rally from family members, friends and supporters, which had been called for 17.00pm outside Koridallos men’s prison –inmates rebelled, fighting not only for their dignity, but also for basic survival needs. Especially in the E wing, where prisoners refused to go back into their cells until at least 22.00pm, MAT anti-riot squadrons stormed the buffer zone (that separates the prison from the surrounding residential area) firing tear gas and stun grenades.

Earlier in the afternoon, approximately 50 people gathered in solidarity and stayed at the park on Grigoriou Lambraki Street for some time, before managing to reach a location close to the C prison wing (which we see only from a distance on New Year’s gatherings). Once the prisoners felt the presence of supporters, they began to chant slogans, banged the bars and doors, and burned objects that they threw out the windows.

Specifically, the solidaritarians went up an alley to the opposite side of the women’s prison, turned to the right and left the soccer fields and the school behind, until they stood only 50 meters away from the external fence. A police squad did not stop the march, so people protested in an elevated position, having almost direct eye contact with the prisoners in combat. Inmates set fire to clothes, sheets, blankets, etc., clenched their fists from inside the cells, sang and whistled really loud the entire time supporters chanted slogans for freedom. Five to six heads per prison cell were visible (one must wonder how they even manage to sleep or move in such a tight space). The rally remained in the same place for half an hour, and when solidaritarians started to leave the prisoners were still burning sheets and shouting slogans, and raised their fists in salute. It seemed as though they would dismantle the prison bars with their own bare hands.

By 19.30pm the mutiny in Koridallos prisons was spread, with large sections of the B and C wings up in flames, and a fire in the A wing’s yard. Initial negotiations between some prisoners and the administration followed, but the situation was already very tense. Shortly after, a host of repressive forces arrived in the area (anti-riot squadrons, motorcycle units, patrol vehicles, paddy wagons, etc.), as the police were on alert awaiting a prosecutor’s order to intervene.

At about 20.00pm guards closed the doors of the D wing and around 21.00pm the A wing was locked as well. In the latter, prisoners had stayed an hour longer out of their cells, because the administration attempted to lock the doors an hour earlier than provided, and several inmates resisted factually at the time. At 21.40pm the men in the B and C wings were forced to go back to their cells, too.

However, unrest prevailed in the E wing, with the strike action continued. The prisoners trashed and smashed almost everything within that ward. They even slipped into the buffer zone and started throwing a rain of stones that fell on the street, outside the prison fence. Dozens of humanguards with batons and helmets ran to suppress the riot. At 21.30pm the alarm had already sounded. According to unconfirmed rumors that circulated at the time, and since many Arabic speakers are incarcerated in the E wing, the rage may have been triggered by the news of prior repression against a protest of Muslims at noon in Omonia, central Athens (in fact, a religious protest against anti-Islam movie filmed in the US that ‘offends the Prophet Muhammad’). Soon, the first tear gases were fired by the cops and resounded in the area. Anti-riot units that were deployed in the buffer zone of the prison unleashed violent attacks, in order to stifle the rebellion of prisoners in the E wing, from which it has also been said there were escape attempts.

From 23.00pm until 01.00am, both the neighbourhood (that was equally overwhelmed with chemicals) and the prisons were under a state of siege by heavy police forces, while several prisoners shouted ‘SET FIRE TO EVERYTHING…’ Within the outer perimeter of the facilities, there were all sorts of cops who repeatedly tried to inflict panic to the residents: every time people were standing out on their balconies, the pigs kept yelling at them, saying that the prisoners would come out and kill them, that there would be disturbances, that their homes would be damaged, and so forth.

Several residents remained on the balconies of nearby buildings despite intimidation. At 03.00am, people heard gun shots: prison guards that patrolled outside fired about 10 shots into the air. Soon thereafter, the rioting ended. But the prisoners’ struggle continues…

Next solidarity rally outside Koridallos prisons
Sunday, September 30th, at 17.00

Immediate fulfillment of prisoners’ demands

Solidarity with the State’s hostages in this fight
Freedom to all imprisoned men and women from the dungeons

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Oregon: Dozens of Pheasants Liberated; For The Silent Ones.

On Sept 24:

from Bite Back

On the night of September 21, 2012, saboteurs tore open a lone flight pen located at the newly incorporated Primrose Pheasant Farm (27368 S. Primrose Path Canby, Oregon), releasing dozens of slaughter-bound ring-necked pheasants into the countryside.

Naturalized populations of ring-necked pheasants have resided in the Willamette Valley for hundreds of years and the surrounding farm land serves as ideal habitat that these captive bred non-domesticated birds can undoubtedly survive in. Destined otherwise to be killed by butchers and sport hunters, these sentient beings will now get the chance to live out the rest of their natural lives in the wild.

For the silent ones..


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Free KteeO Olejnik: another grand jury resister jailed today

No Political Repression. Sept 28:

Katherine “KteeO” Olejnik was taken into federal custody today for refusing to cooperate with the grand jury. She is the second subpeanut to be jailed for refusing to testify.

Please write to KteeO!! She is specifically interested in news and information about the Basque region, and reading material related to linguistics and social anthropology.

Katherine Olejnik #42592-086
FDC SeaTac,
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

This is the statement she wrote explaining why she is refusing to cooperate:

For me choosing to resist a grand jury is about humanity – I cannot and will not say something that could greatly harm a person’s life, and providing information that could lead to long term incarceration would be doing that.

For me choosing to resist a grand jury is about freedom of speech and association – I cannot and will not be a party to a McCarthyist policy that is asking individuals to condemn each other based on political beliefs.

The reasons above are why I am choosing to not comply. I apologize to those in my life on whom my incarceration is going to be a burden, and I thank you for understanding my decision.

For those unaware the folks being subpoenaed are being incarcerated for refusing to answer questions about others’ political beliefs.

In Solidarity With All Those Resisting the Grand Jury,
Kteeo Olejnik

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